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[金融证券系统] igent-agricultural-measurement-and-control-system

Aiming at the problem that traditional agricultural planting consumes a lot of manpower and material resources and cannot measure and control environmental parameters, an intelligent agricultural measurement and control system based on ZigBee networking and OneNET cloud platform was designed. The system is mainly composed of four parts: terminal acquisition node for measuring environmental parameters, ZigBee wireless communication module for building communication network, terminal control node for adjusting environmental parameters, and routing information node for data collection and analysis. The system carries out intelligent decision-making and regulation of crop environment according to the set optimal growth environment parameters, and realizes visual automatic management of crop environmental data. (2024-06-20, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] weather_info

毕设项目, 获取中国天气网的api来获取json格式的数据信息并且解析天气类型,通过不同的天气类型来控制ARM开发板播放不同风格的音乐。
The project is designed to obtain the API of China Weather Network to obtain the data information in json format and analyze the weather type, and control the ARM development board to play music of different styles through different weather types. (2015-11-04, C, 70KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] Qt_home

This project proposes a smart home setting scheme, which uses qt, serial communication technology and sensors to build ZigBee home internal LAN, and external access to the Internet. The project incorporates LED, electric fan, door lock light equipment into the home control system, and realizes the home temperature and humidity and other environmental monitoring systems through various nodes composed of sensors to master the home room (2021-07-27, C, 10683KB, 下载1次)


[金融证券系统] OpenWrt-NIC-Drivers

OpenWrt NIC驱动程序、realtek 8125b 2.5G和英特尔igb以太网驱动程序,用于库存OpenWrt固件
OpenWrt-NIC-Drivers,realtek 8125b 2.5G & intel igb ethernet drivers for stock OpenWrt firmwares (2023-05-07, C, 254KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] arduino_uip

UIPEthernet: A plugin-replacement of the stock Arduino Ethernet library for ENC28J60 shields and breakout boards. Full support for persistent (streaming) TCP-connections and UDP (Client and Server each), ARP, ICMP, DHCP and DNS. Build around Adam Dunkels uIP Stack. Further developed version can be found on <https://github.com/UIPEthernet/UIPEthernet> (2020-08-19, C, 102KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] z52cStockC

z52cStockC,股票数据分析 编程不太会,会多少写多少,基础数据来源通达信,复权数据来源凤凰网
Z52cStockC, not very proficient in stock data analysis programming, can write as much as possible. Basic data source is Tongdaxin, and restoration data source is Fenghuang.com (2022-06-07, C, 653KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] php7-wxwork-finance-sdk

Php7 wxwork finance sdk, PHP Enterprise WeChat Session Archive Extension (2023-01-05, C, 14KB, 下载0次)
