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[TAPI编程] AutoDail

tapi实现的自动拨号程序。 TAPI(Telphony Application Programming Interface)可以称作电话编程接口,它是微软提供的计算机和电话网相联系的编程接口,使程序员可以利用这个接口通过电话线使用多种计算机复杂的通讯工作。TAPI能提供的功能主要有:自动拨号;以文件、传真、电子邮件的方式传送文件;访问Internet或其他形式信息服务、组织会议呼叫、使用主叫识别处理入呼叫、计算机间通过电话线的互相协作。这里提到的有的功能很早就已经广泛应用了,还有一些由于我国交换设备不提供此类功能很少问津。
tapi realize automatic dialers. TAPI (Telphony Application Programming Interface) can be called phone programming interface, which is provided by Microsoft computer and telephone network linked to the programming interface, so that programmers can use this interface through the telephone line using a variety of complex computer work. TAPI functionality can provide include: automatic dial-up to file, fax, e-mail transmission of documents access Internet or other forms of information services, organizing conference calls, use caller identification to handle calls between computers via telephone lines with each other collaboration. Some features mentioned here very early on has been widely applied, and some because of switching equipment does not provide such a feature rarely cares. (2008-08-21, Delphi, 59KB, 下载56次)
