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[TCP/IP协议栈] JT-808

交通部 网约车 通信协议 JT-808协议
Communication protocol JT-808 protocol of traffic ministry network (2018-04-01, Delphi, 8335KB, 下载24次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] Canbus_delphi

CANbus转以太网设备的编程实例 上位机软件通过Socket规范与设备直接建立TCP/IP连接,在成功建立TCP/IP连接后,上位机与设备就可以进行双向数据通讯。
CANbus to Ethernet device programming through the Socket instance of PC software and equipment specifications to establish direct TCP/IP connection, the successful establishment of TCP/IP connection, the host computer and the device can be bi-directional data communication.- (2012-01-18, Delphi, 230KB, 下载24次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] net

failed to translate (2011-09-26, Delphi, 193KB, 下载20次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] UPDClientServer

Based on tcp/ip protocol client PC client function, can be achieved under the bit machines have Ethernet interface of embedded systems and PC-digital communications, to test embedded systems purpose Ethernet function (2008-10-25, Delphi, 1004KB, 下载17次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] NetExplorer

flowing through designated capture card data, the agreement : ICP, UDP, ICMP. Be in binary mode, text mode data flow can be set up rules, the retention of data. (2007-01-06, Delphi, 373KB, 下载91次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] dns_r

这是一套完整 DNS 查询解析工具, 相当于DOS/UNIX下的 nslookup, 相当好用. 可以让你知道要如何查网域的 MX, NS, Address 等数据, 是写网络程序的你一定要知道的知识!
This is a complete DNS inquiries analytic tools, the equivalent of DOS/UNIX under the nslookup. very handy. can let you know how to check domain MX, NS, Address data, is written procedures for the network you must know the knowledge! (2006-08-19, Delphi, 282KB, 下载98次)
