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Spark Funds希望投资几家公司。Spark Funds的首席执行官希望了解全球趋势...
Spark Funds wants to make investments in a few companies. The CEO of Spark Funds wants to understand the global trends in investments so that she can take the investment decisions effectively. The business objectives and goals of data analysis are pretty straightforward: 1. Business objective: The objective is to identify the best sectors, (2020-07-08, Jupyter Notebook, 6151KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] Spark-Funds-Investments-Assignment

Spark Funds希望投资几家公司。Spark Funds的首席执行官希望了解全球趋势...
Spark Funds wants to make investments in a few companies. The CEO of Spark Funds wants to understand the global trends in investments so that she can take the investment decisions effectively. (2021-09-20, Jupyter Notebook, 6528KB, 下载0次)
