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按分类查找All 数据可视化(5) 
按平台查找All Jupyter Notebook(5) 

[数据可视化] Airline-Quality-Rating

Explore airline quality ratings through data analysis and visualization. Understand passenger satisfaction across key factors such as seat comfort, entertainment, food quality, and overall service. Compare different airlines based on customer feedback to uncover insights into what drives passenger preferences and satisfaction levels. (2024-07-01, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据可视化] Star-Wars-SNA

Embark on a journey through the Star Wars universe with our social network analysis project. Explore how characters interact, form bonds, and influence each other across the galaxy. May the force of data science be with you! (2024-03-21, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据可视化] datasci-kickstarter-boardgames

回归探索是什么因素使kickstarter boardgame项目筹集更多资金。刮网器+回归...
Regression / exploration of what factors make a kickstarter boardgame project raise more money. Web scraper + regression models. (2018-04-17, Jupyter Notebook, 4756KB, 下载0次)


[数据可视化] a-viz-of-ice-and-fire

Summarizing Entertainment Video Using Color and Dialogue (2017-10-09, Jupyter Notebook, 845741KB, 下载0次)


[数据可视化] CB_Data_Visualization

富投网可转债数据可视化,简单的小工具 ,大佬带带我。([http: www.richvest.com index.php m=cb&a=cb_all](http: www.richvest.com index.php m=cb&a=cb_all))
Convertible bond data visualization of FTI. com, a simple gadget, led by the big guy. ([http: www.richvest. com index. php m=cb&a=cb_all] (http: www.richvest. com index. php m=cb&a=cb_all)) (2020-05-05, Jupyter Notebook, 2517KB, 下载0次)
