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[DevOps] sl-express

神领物流 黑马 物流项目 神领物流系统类似顺丰速运,是向C端用户提供快递服务的系统。竞品有:顺丰、中通、圆通、京东快递等。 项目产品主要有4端产品: - 用户端:基于微信小程序开发,外部客户使用,可以寄件、查询物流信息等。 - 快递员端:基于安卓开发的手机APP,公司内部的...,
Shenling Logistics Black Horse Logistics Project Shenling Logistics System, similar to SF Express, is a system that provides express services to C-end users. Competitors include: Shunfeng, Zhongtong, Yuantong, Jingdong Express, etc. The project products mainly include four end products: - user end: developed based on WeChat applet, used by external customers, and can send and query logistics information- Courier side: Mobile APP developed based on Android, the company s internal, (2023-09-06, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)
