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[大数据] YOFO-management-system

项目描述:该项目为有方(合肥)医疗科技有限公司的后台管理系统,可以实现客户咨询信息管理,权限控 制,重大会议数据,临床数据,能够管理公司官网资料数据以及展示,以及客户的交互信息管理。 技术栈: 框架:Vue 3.0+ Vuex(3.5...
Project description: This project is the background management system of Youfang (Hefei) Medical Technology Co., Ltd., which can realize customer consultation information management, authority control, major conference data, clinical data, management of the company s official website data and display, and customer interaction information management. Technology stack: framework: Vue 3.0+Vuex (3.5 (2022-08-08, Vue, 47734KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] medical

Medical Information Network, a big data visualization and intelligent retrieval platform. front end (2023-05-14, Vue, 5645KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] vue-news

The news browsing website made with vue2.0, the responsive layout interface, the data.json data found on the Internet, and the axios cross domain access data can adapt to the screen size of PC and mobile devices. The interfaces of headlines, society, domestic, sports and entertainment have been completed. (2018-05-31, Vue, 5348KB, 下载0次)
