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[系统/网络安全] cxblog

一款vue2+springboot2开发的前后端分离的博客系统,博客后台管理系统使用了Vueadmin开发,后端使用Spring Security进行权限管理,支持动态菜单权限,动态定时任务,文件支持本地和七牛云上传,使用ElasticSearch作为全文检索服务,支持QQ、微信公众号扫码、码云、GitHub快捷登录。加入了即时通讯聊天室功能。
A blog system developed by vue2+springboot2 that separates the front end from the back end. The blog background management system is developed by Vueadmin, and the back end uses Spring Security for permission management. It supports dynamic menu permissions, dynamic timing tasks, local and seven cow cloud upload of files, and the use of ElasticSearch as a full-text search service. It supports quick login of QQ, WeChat public account scanning, code cloud, and GitHub. Added instant messaging chat function. (2024-04-28, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)
