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按分类查找All GPT/ChatGPT(17) 
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[GPT/ChatGPT] upchatgpt

Chatgpt (2024-05-28, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] chatgpt-plus

ChatGPT, MJ and other domestic deployments support WeChat payment, easy payment, code payment, tiger skin pepper payment, authorization (2024-01-14, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] TIME-SEA-chatgpt

基于SpringBoot3开发的Ai绘图充值一体微信小程序 可搭配Web plugs插件实现双端(Web支持编译打包 Windows Mac应用),支持自定义预设词,功能板块定义,各类绘图 ....,
The Ai drawing recharge integrated WeChat applet developed based on SpringBoot3 can be paired with the Web plugs plug-in to achieve dual ends (the Web supports compiling and packaging Windows Mac applications), support custom preset words, function block definitions, and various kinds of drawings, (2023-08-23, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)



基于SpringBoot3开发的Ai绘图充值一体微信小程序 可搭配Web plugs插件实现双端(Web支持编译打包 Windows Mac应用),支持自定义预设词,功能板块定义,各类绘图 ....,
The Ai drawing recharge integrated WeChat applet developed based on SpringBoot3 can be paired with the Web plugs plug-in to achieve dual ends (the Web supports compiling and packaging Windows Mac applications), support custom preset words, function block definitions, and various kinds of drawings, (2023-08-19, Vue, 0KB, 下载2次)



基于JDK17开发的微信流量主小程序 支持必应对话 GPT多模型对话 SD绘图 DALL绘图 动态配置部署环境,
The WeChat traffic main applet developed based on JDK17 supports Bing dialogue GPT multi model dialogue SD drawing DALL drawing dynamic configuration deployment environment, (2023-08-16, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] Chanzhaoyu-chatgpt-web

Chanzhaoyu Chat网,,
Chanzhaoyu-chatgpt-web,, (2023-04-09, Vue, 1643KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] Chanzhaoyu-chatgpt-web

Chanzhaoyu Chat网,,
Chanzhaoyu-chatgpt-web,, (2023-03-18, Vue, 1632KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] chatgpt

使用vue3实现的chatGPT,自动打字、重连断线处理,基本内容已经完成,简单快速一键部署。后续内容将根据chatgp官网随缘更新 ,
ChatGPT implemented using Vue3, automatic typing, reconnection and disconnection handling, basic content has been completed, simple and quick deployment with one click. The subsequent content will be updated according to the chatgp official website and follow the trend (2023-02-20, Vue, 251KB, 下载0次)



ChatGPT 微信小程序版 uniapp版 ,
ChatGPT WeChat Mini Program Version Uniapp Version (2023-02-20, Vue, 567KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] chatgpt-web

fork:<https:github.com禅兆语 Chat网>
fork:<https:github.com禅兆语 Chat网> (2023-04-09, Vue, 1896KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] wxmini-chatgpt

微信小程序/uni-app 实现的ChatGpt 程序 ,
ChatGpt program implemented by WeChat mini program uni app (2023-03-22, Vue, 5671KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] GeekChat

微信小程序 webman + uniapp + chatgpt ,
WeChat mini program webman+uniapp+chatgpt (2023-04-05, Vue, 1812KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] chatGPT-wx

基于openAI chatGPT(gpt-3.5-turbo)大型预训练语言模型的微信小程序AI智能助手,速度快,低延时. ,
A WeChat mini program AI intelligent assistant based on the openAI chatGPT (gpt-3.5 turbo) large-scale pre training language model, with fast speed and low latency (2023-03-16, Vue, 661KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] chatGPT-wx-main

关于由openAI公司发布的大型预训练语言模型chatGPT3.5接入微信小程序 ,
About the large pre trained language model chatGPT3.5 released by openAI company for accessing WeChat mini programs (2023-03-16, Vue, 948KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] wechat-gpt

ChatGPT聊天微信小程序,可限制次数,分享增加次数。 ,
ChatGPT chat WeChat mini program, which can limit the number of times and increase the number of shares. (2023-03-03, Vue, 4131KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] chatGPT-wx

OpenAI chatGPT 微信小程序 大型预训练语言模型 A weChat based on OpenAI API (gpt-3.5-turbo) GPT-4 ,
OpenAI chatGPT WeChat Mini Program Large Pre Training Language Model A weChat based on OpenAI API (gpt-3.5 turbo) GPT-4 (2023-04-20, Vue, 756KB, 下载0次)



OpenAI管理界面,聚合了OpenAI的所有接口进行界面操作(所有模型、图片、音频、微调、文件)等,支持Markdown格式(公式、图表,表格)等,GPT4接口官方只是在申请阶段,后期会一点一点的将OpenAI接口进行接入大家支持一下,微信群号在下方,右上角点个Star,我会一直更新下去,大家一起学习,一起加油,一起努力,一起成长。 ,
The OpenAI management interface aggregates all OpenAI interfaces for interface operations (all models, images, audio, fine-tuning, files), and supports Markdown formats (formulas, charts, tables). The GPT4 interface is officially only in the application stage, and will be gradually connected to the OpenAI interface in the later stage. Please support me. The WeChat group number is located below, and I will click on Star in the upper right corner. I will keep updating it. Everyone will learn together, work together, and work together, Grow together. (2023-04-18, Vue, 7249KB, 下载0次)
