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按分类查找All Leetcode/题库(10) 
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[Leetcode/题库] online_merge_offline_education

在线教育多网校系统,自主研发集知识付费、直播授课、在线教育功能为一体的在线 直播 题库 考试(exam)的教育平台系统
Online education multi online school system, independently developed an education platform system that integrates knowledge payment, live teaching and online education functions into an online live question bank exam (exam) (2024-06-28, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] shuatiUniapp

Uniapp title swiping applet WeChat applet h5 title swiping (2024-01-15, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Network-Panel

The network panel is a multi-functional network tool that provides comprehensive network support. It can be used to test network speed, monitor network latency in real time, query IP addresses in different locations, manage traffic consumption, and support multi-threaded operations. In addition, it is also suitable for iOS background running and will not affect the use of other applications. Whether you need to check your network speed, understand the global network connectivity, or accurately monitor the network, (2023-09-25, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] online-wangke-system

springboot+vue 在线学员题库网课管理系统 在线学员题库网课管理系统 :登录注册模块、网课功能 、题库、部门可视化、业务权限分配、角色信息、公告信息等,
Springboot+vue online student question bank online course management system online student question bank online course management system: login registration module, online course function, question bank, department visualization, business authority allocation, role information, announcement information, etc, (2023-08-27, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] fakerAndjoker.github

Try to build a static page with Netease Cloud project (2022-02-24, Vue, 270KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] imooc-frontend-interview

慕课网前端面试课-Vue React Webpack
Front end interview class of MOOC - Vue React Webpack (2022-12-13, Vue, 128KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] wegame-demo-mygames

面试腾讯互娱时做的面试实操题, 模拟一个wegame的我的游戏页面, 做了两版本, 第一版横向滑动列表用了swiper插件, 体验和效果很好, 但是面试官说耍巧, 意思让我原生手写, 于是我自己原生手写了第二版, 然后肯定体验会差很多...
During the interview with Tencent Entertainment, I created two versions of my game page that simulated a Wegame. The first version used the Swiper plugin to slide the list horizontally, which had a good experience and effect. However, the interviewer said it was clever and meant to be handwritten in my native language. Therefore, I wrote the second version myself, but the experience would definitely be much worse (2020-11-24, Vue, 6533KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] danluwang-interview-front

Front end of the road network test question (2023-01-06, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] zd

组卷网:初中试题组卷前端页面,在antd pro vue基础上更改
Test Paper Network: The front-end page for junior high school test paper formation, modified based on Antd Pro Vue (2022-12-11, Vue, 578KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] tzwx

Online school system, including on-demand, live streaming, exams, face-to-face teaching, course cards, agents, and other functions. It can meet users needs for various online teaching activities such as on-demand classes, open classes, large classes, vocational training, Electronic assessment, question brushing, question bank management, and information dynamics. (2023-03-06, Vue, 7812KB, 下载0次)
