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[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] SchoolBusTime_Flutter

“校车时间”是一个用来给日本广岛县福山大学的学生实时查询下一班校车的程序。 灵感源自于一个晴朗的周五午后,即使我身处人工智能课的教室,但浮躁的我却早已归心似箭。 我打开了福山大学的官网查询下一班校车出发的时间。 此时我意识到一个简单的查询,却需要在官网上点击数次,这显然不符合人机交互的原则。 于是“校车时间”这一灵感就应运而生。而现在基于Flutter跨平台技术,将会推出面向IOS和Android的版本
"School bus time" is a program for students of Fukuyama University in Hiroshima, Japan to query the next school bus in real time. The inspiration came from a sunny Friday afternoon. Even though I was in the classroom of artificial intelligence class, I was impetuous and eager to return. I opened the official website of Fukuyama University to check the departure time of the next school bus. At this time, I realized that a simple query requires several clicks on the official website, which obviously does not conform to the principle of human-computer interaction. So the inspiration of "school bus time" came into being. Now, based on Flutter cross platform technology, IOS and Android versions will be launched (2024-07-26, Dart, 0KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Memory-Marvels-Flutter

Memory Marvels: Where Fun Never Stops! is a delightful game that offers a perfect blend of entertainment and brain exercise., (2023-05-08, Dart, 0KB, 下载0次)
