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[系统设计方案] DSP and AX88796B

Design and Implementation of Ethernet Interface Module Based on DSP and AX88796B (2018-09-07, C/C++, 594KB, 下载1次)


[系统设计方案] AX88796B Network Interface

Design and Implementation of AX88796B-based Network Interface (2018-09-07, C/C++, 539KB, 下载0次)


[系统设计方案] inventer_8_26

This program is my master' s thesis, " single-phase grid-connected inverters," the source, debugging success. (DC-AC inverter direct single-phase full-bridge inverter topology, there are off-grid and network functions, PLL zero crossing detection and then using PI.) (2015-01-24, C/C++, 667KB, 下载253次)


[系统设计方案] Mail

From graduation thesis pages, information is in the self network download hope useful for everyone..... (2014-05-08, C/C++, 4737KB, 下载1次)


[系统设计方案] Quidview

Huawei' s old network management software QUIDView introduction, it is now esight, but developed their own words, or have some reference (2013-07-17, C/C++, 6297KB, 下载11次)


[系统设计方案] UPSJK[2010-04-30]V1.0

ups 系 统 网 络 监 控 系 统 源 码
the ups system network monitoring system source code (2013-01-19, C/C++, 1534KB, 下载49次)


[系统设计方案] C_net_bar

a good system of netbar (2011-12-20, C/C++, 4KB, 下载3次)


[系统设计方案] last3

个人毕业论文 随着科技的发展,传统的抄表技术已经不能满足当今物业管理的需要,无线抄表技术逐渐替代了传统的抄表技术。自动无线抄表系统采用计算机技术和通信技术来读取和处理数据。本文研究并设计了基于ZigBee技术的自动抄表系统。ZigBee是一个低成本,低功耗,组网容易的无线通信技术,是目前最适合应用于自动抄表系统的短距离无线通信技术。
Individual Thesis With the development of technology, the traditional meter reading technology can not meet the needs of today' s property management, wireless meter reading technology is increasingly replacing the traditional meter reading technology. Automatic wireless meter reading system uses computer technology and communication technology to read and process the data. This paper is designed based on ZigBee technology, automatic meter reading system. ZigBee is a low cost, low power consumption, easy wireless networking communication technology, is the most suitable for automatic meter reading system of short-range wireless communications technology. (2011-05-27, C/C++, 1158KB, 下载33次)


[系统设计方案] nne

Pioneer Fibre Channel switching network fault monitoring and diagnosis of design (2011-04-26, C/C++, 234KB, 下载3次)


[系统设计方案] ethernet

Ethernet-based remote automatic meter reading system (2010-05-12, C/C++, 3558KB, 下载11次)


[系统设计方案] TheRedundantWorkingModeBetweenDoubleIndependentEth

描述了在VxWorks 操作系统下以太网设备工作时的结构层次,介绍在这种结构下以太网卡驱动的工作原 理以及对链路状态进行实时监测的方法. 实现了VxWorks 下多网卡共用单MAC 地址和单IP 地址的功能,并阐明 双网卡协同工作时的多种状态以及状态间的迁移和出现故障后双网卡高速切换原理. 最终以RTL8139 网卡为例, 叙述了双冗余网卡原理的实现过程.
The working laying structure of the Ether Net device is described firstly based on vxWorks which is the real2 time operating system. Then the principle of the Ether Net card and the method of real2time monitoring link route status are introduced and the function of sharing the single MAC address and the single IP address on multiples cards is imple2 mented under the vxWorks. Thirdly , the many status which appear on two Ether Net cards working together and the shift among the status and the fast switch principle between two cards after failure are presented in details. Finally the method of how to use the two Ether Net cards implementing the redundancy function is given by taking the RTL8139 as an example. (2009-09-09, C/C++, 114KB, 下载31次)


[系统设计方案] ARM_uC_OS_qixiang_shujucaiji

本文提出并研究设计了一个基于ARM和uC/OS一11的自动气象站实时多任务数据采集系统,完成了系统的硬件和软件设计。该系统以犯位高性能ARM微处理器S3C44BOX为硬件核心,扩展了10/100M以太网接口、USB2.0接口、RS232串口以及DE接口等通用接口 以嵌入式实时操系统uC/OS-II为软件平台,在ARMSDT.251环境下进行系统软件的开发。该系统充分利用了ARM微处理器高性能、低功耗、低成本的优势,发挥了uC/OS-II可移植性好、开发成本低的点,为自动气象站的数据采集提供了一个经济实用的解决方案。
In this paper, and designed a study based on the ARM and uC/OS-11 automatic weather station data acquisition in real-time multi-tasking system, the completion of the system' s hardware and software design. The system is committed S3C44BOX bit microprocessor for high-performance ARM core hardware to expand the 10/100M Ethernet interface, USB2.0 interface, RS232 serial port as well as the common interface, such as DE interface to embedded real-time systems Cao uC/OS-II for the software platform, ARMSDT.251 environment in the software development system. The system makes full use of high-performance ARM microprocessor, low power, low-cost advantages, has played a uC/OS-II portability, and the development of low-cost point for the automatic weather station data collection provides an economic practical solutions. (2009-07-21, C/C++, 1990KB, 下载63次)


[系统设计方案] ResearchOfMACProtocolInWirelessAdhocNetwork

A novel MAC protocol is proposed,which can solve the hidden and exposed terminal problem simultaneously. A new deafness problem in simple multi-channel MAC protocol and a new type of hidden terminal problem when using RTS/CTS handshake to reserve the channel are put forward and figured out A novel mutli-channel MAC protocol is proposed to avoid the deafness problem,hidden and exposed terminal problems simultaneously. (2009-05-08, C/C++, 1215KB, 下载23次)


[系统设计方案] 51ICCONTROLRTL8019AS

介绍以太网的帧协议和以太网控制芯片的结构特性; 介绍单片机控制实现以太网通讯的硬件设计方案; 采用C语言实现并进行了系统的调试与验证。
Introduction Ethernet protocol and Ethernet control frame of the structural characteristics of the chip introduce SCM implementation Ethernet communication hardware design implementation using C language and system debugging and verification. (2009-03-19, C/C++, 96KB, 下载7次)


[系统设计方案] ReactivecompationForLowvolatge

low-voltage distribution network multifunctional reactive compensation devices. The installation of a multi-functional integration, dynamic reactive power compensation, distribution transformer monitoring, measurement and harmonic analysis, measurement! , communications, and other functions. (2007-06-11, C/C++, 63KB, 下载250次)


[系统设计方案] dxbdw

local telecommunications network accounting solutions, in many places a successful application cases. (2006-11-09, C/C++, 23KB, 下载9次)
