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[移动互联网开发] 速代拿微信小程序源代码

Speed proxy is a small wechat program developed based on wechat client. We will provide a platform for express delivery by taking advantage of the rapidity of Internet communication and the convenience of low threshold of small programs. Users only need to log in with wechat authorization to edit and publish the information of express delivery and goods to be bought on behalf of others, or to receive orders (express delivery or goods to be bought on behalf of others) by browsing the information published by other users, and users who complete the order can get corresponding rewards. (2020-02-04, C/C++, 4953KB, 下载3次)


[移动互联网开发] 《HTTP权威指南》文字版

超文本转移协议(Hypertext Transfer Protocol,HTTP)是在万维网上进行通信时所使用的协议方案。HTTP有很多应用,但最著名的是用于web浏览器和web服务器之间的双工通信。 HTTP起初是一个简单的协议,因此你可能会认为关于这个协议没有太多好 说的。但现在,你手上拿着的是却一本两磅重 的书。如果你对我们怎么会写出一本650页 的关于HTTP的书感到奇怪的话,可以去看一下目录。本书不仅仅是一本HTTP首部的参考手册;它是一本名副其实的web结构圣经。 本书中,我们尝试着将HTTP中一些互相关联且常被误解的规则梳理清楚,并编写了一系列基于各种主题的章节,对HTTP各方面的特性进行了介绍。纵观全书,我们对HTTP“为什么”这样做进行了详细的解释,而不仅仅停留在它是“怎么做”的。而且,为了节省大家寻找参考文献的时间,我们还对很多HTTP应用程序正常工作所必须的、重要的非HTTP技术进行了介绍。在组织得便于使用的附录中,可以找到按照字母排序的首部参考(这些首部构成了最常见的HTTP文本的基础)。我们希望这种概念性的设计有助于读者对HTTP的使用。
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a Protocol scheme used for communication on the world wide web. HTTP has many applications, but is best known for duplex communication between web browsers and web servers. HTTP started out as a simple protocol, so you might think there wasn't much to say about it. But right now, you're holding a two-pound book. If you're wondering why we wrote a 650-page book about HTTP, check out the catalog. This book is not just a reference manual for HTTP headers; It is a veritable bible of web architecture. (2019-08-18, C/C++, 17166KB, 下载2次)


[移动互联网开发] 内网穿透

开发小程序 微信公众号 内网穿透工具 方便实用
Development of Wikipedia Public Number Intranet Penetration Tool for Small Programs (2019-07-01, C/C++, 3004KB, 下载4次)


[移动互联网开发] mars-master

micromsg opensource lib (2017-07-11, C/C++, 8191KB, 下载7次)
