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[Java编程] Windows7Loader2.2.2

This is a java program about the server. The Wechat Public Number is accessible. (2019-08-07, C/C++, 1699KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] maze

Features works: This software is the role of entertainment, players can be had with four keys (respectively WASD, W for up, S for down, A for left, D for right), to control the inside of the circle, circle represents a character, as long as you can control the small circle to reach the destination (that is, a red circle), then completed a task on your behalf, that is, you win the game. (2008-12-04, C/C++, 2KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] Hermit多项式在线学习ran算法

本程序用资源分配网(Resource_Allocation Network,简称RAN)实现了Hermit多项式在线学习问题。训练样本产生方式如下,样本数400,每个样本输入Xi在区间[-4,4]内随机产生(均匀分布),相关样本输出为F(Xi) = 1.1(1-Xi + Xi2)exp(-Xi2/2),测试样本输入在[-4,+4]内以0.04为间隔等距产生,共201个样本。训练结束后的隐节点为:11个,训练结束后的平均误差可达:0.03
this program resources distribution network (Resource_Allocation Network , RAN) to achieve the Hermit polynomial online learning problems. Training samples have the following manner, the number of 400 samples, each sample interval in the importation of Xi [-4, 4] within randomly generated (evenly distributed) sample output related to F (Xi) = 1.1 (1-Xi Xi2) exp (-Xi2/2), test samples of the imported [-4, 4] to within 0.04 of equidistant spacing have a total of 201 samples. After the training of hidden nodes : 11, after the end of the training error of up to the average : 0.03 (2006-01-27, C/C++, 8KB, 下载26次)
