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[P2P编程] tfcenter-service

tfcenter是一款免费的内网穿透和文件管理软件,除了支持通过服务器和P2P穿透进行映射之外,还支持Webdav文件管理、本地文件管理,DDNS管理,socks5 https代码等功能。其中P2P穿透支持IPv6 Ipv4,本地文件管理支持移动端进行视频在线播放以及在线编辑office办公文件等功能
Tfcenter is a free intranet penetration and file management software. In addition to supporting mapping through server and P2P penetration, it also supports Webdav file management, local file management, DDNS management, socks5 https code and other functions. Among them, P2P penetration supports IPv6 Ipv4, and local file management supports mobile terminals to play video online and edit office files online (2024-06-24, Dockerfile, 0KB, 下载0次)
