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[手机短信编程] CixiBlog30TEST

1,多用户,生成独立的目录 2,UBB发布日志 3,相册功能 4,全文网摘功能 5,伪静态页显示更利于搜索 6,标签功能 7,部落功能 8,站内短信 9,网址收藏 10,RSS在线订阅 11,选择模板 12,自定义模板
1, multi-user, generate a separate directory 2, UBB release log 3, photo album function 4, full-text network function 5, pseudo-static page display is more conducive to search 6, tagging 7, tribal features 8, station SMS 9, , RSS online subscription 11, the template 12, custom templates (2016-12-27, PHP, 1461KB, 下载1次)


[手机短信编程] duanxinjiekou

56 SMS network interface to provide customers with a rich interface, call the SMS interface, you can easily achieve the user to send text messages, the user login, the user changes the password, balance inquiries, the user replies, support agents call SMS account online recharge and other functions (2016-11-14, PHP, 6KB, 下载1次)


[手机短信编程] zhibo

Live sourceLive source source, WeChat live source, support play reward, praise, gifts and other functions, it can be realized directly on the phone side, there is no geographical restrictions. (2016-10-05, PHP, 3652KB, 下载43次)


[手机短信编程] duanxinjiekou

56 net SMS message interface for the customer provides rich interface, called SMS interface, can easily achieve the users to send SMS, user login and the user can change the password, balance inquiries, the user replies support agent call SMS interface online account recharge and other functions, 56 net SMS message interface can applied to all walks of life, such as buy orders verification, phone verification code verification, message ordering and membership notification and client communication, in all walks of life has a very wide range of applications. (2016-04-12, PHP, 5KB, 下载3次)
