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按分类查找All 教育系统应用(9) 
按平台查找All PHP(9) 

[教育系统应用] entertainment-and-self-education

A place to record videos, movies, TV shows, and books I consume for entertainment and self-education (2023-12-01, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[教育系统应用] ekun

With the net, links, logs, works and their corresponding management functions, you can choose the style (2016-12-21, PHP, 574KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] jiaowu

Micro channel academic binding performance bound query, absolutely useful for different educational system appropriate changes that can be. (2015-12-21, PHP, 9KB, 下载10次)


[教育系统应用] install

Micro engine installation code, the qing is WeChat public third-party management public platform. (2015-12-10, PHP, 24KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] eduwind1.6.3

EduWind assist organizations and individuals to quickly build a strong network teaching platform to interact with in-campus management, curriculum publishing, courses, curriculum transaction, exam, social interaction and other functions. Use Eduwind, quickly have their own classes online platform. (2014-10-31, PHP, 13245KB, 下载10次)


[教育系统应用] wx-sample

Micro-channel public platform source, their preparation for graduation, please refer to. (2014-05-11, PHP, 18KB, 下载9次)


[教育系统应用] website

学生成绩管理系统。(1)适用对象广泛:中小学校、民办学校、培训学校、美术学校、各类教育培训机构! (2)五大功能模块:1、学籍管理 2、成绩管理 3、作业管理(美术培训学校专用) 4、学生素质评价管理 5、家校沟通(互动)管理 (3)B/S模式(什么是B/S模式),只要在能上网的地方,打IE浏览器就能访问和使用,教师可以在家里上网改作业、录成绩,学生、家长以在家里查询学生的成绩、在校表现、教师的评语并与教师交流
Student achievement management system. (1) Suitable for a wide range of: primary and secondary schools, private schools, training schools, art schools, all kinds of education and training institutions! (2) five functional modules: 1, 2 school management, performance management 3, operations management (art training school dedicated) 4, students evaluate the quality of management, home-school communication (interaction) Management (3) B/S model (what is B/S mode), as long as the Internet where, playing IE browser will be able to access and use, teachers can access change jobs at home, recording grades, students and parents to check student achievement at home, in school, teachers comments and communicate with teachers (2014-01-02, PHP, 7215KB, 下载4次)


[教育系统应用] website

学生成绩管理系统。(1)适用对象广泛:中小学校、民办学校、培训学校、美术学校、各类教育培训机构! (2)五大功能模块:1、学籍管理 2、成绩管理 3、作业管理(美术培训学校专用) 4、学生素质评价管理 5、家校沟通(互动)管理 (3)B/S模式(什么是B/S模式),只要在能上网的地方,打开IE浏览器就能访问和使用,教师可以在家里上网改作业、录成绩,学生、家长以在家里查询学生的成绩、在校表现、教师的评语并与教师交流……本程序同时也能在单机、局域网中使用
Student achievement management system. (1) Suitable for wide: primary and secondary schools, private schools, training schools, art schools, all kinds of education and training institutions! (2) five functional modules: 1, 2 school management, performance management 3, operations management (art training school dedicated) 4, 5 student quality evaluation management, home-school communication (interaction) Management (3) B/S mode (what is the B/S mode), as long as the Internet where, open the IE browser will be able to access and use the Internet at home teacher can change jobs, recording grades, students and parents to check students' performance at home, in school, teachers reviews and communicate with teachers ...... This program is also able to stand-alone, LAN use (2013-07-09, PHP, 6957KB, 下载17次)


[教育系统应用] cjcha

大学生村官成绩查询系统 1.可以模糊查找2.文本数据库,便于编辑。 3.本程序非常实用只有7KB,可以用于各种查询比如成绩查询,户口查询等。你可以根据你的数据格式套用。
Village official college students (2009-10-24, PHP, 14KB, 下载5次)
