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[企业管理] lpays

常用的支付接口封装,涵盖国内外常用的支付接口[支持 PC端,WAP端及部分APP端]1. 微信[包含扫码]2. 支付宝 3. 百付宝4. 京东5. 财 付通 6. Palpay[人民币自动转美元,汇率自己设置] 7. 银联,8. QQ支...
Commonly used payment interface encapsulation, covering commonly used payment interfaces at home and abroad [supporting PC end, WAP end and some APP ends] 1 WeChat [including scanning code] 2. Alipay 3 Baifubao 4. Jingdong 5 Tenpay 6 Palpay [RMB is automatically converted to USD, and the exchange rate is set by yourself] 7 UnionPay, 8. QQ payment (2018-06-04, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] eBest

EBest is a new brand of domestic e-commerce systems and service solutions, providing traditional enterprises and entrepreneurs with products and solutions such as retail online store system, online mall system, distribution system, B2B2C mall system, WeChat distribution system, industry ERP, etc. (2016-12-14, PHP, 130KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] eBestMall

EBestMall is a new brand of domestic e-commerce system and service solutions. It provides traditional enterprises and entrepreneurs with products and solutions such as retail online store system, online mall system, distribution system, B2B2C mall system, WeChat distribution system, industry ERP, etc. (2016-12-20, PHP, 132KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] eBestMall_Html5

EBestMall is a new brand of e-commerce systems and service solutions in China. Provide traditional enterprises and entrepreneurs with retail online store system, online mall system, distribution system, B2B2C mall system, WeChat distribution system, industry ERP and other products and solutions. (2017-12-05, PHP, 2606KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] erphp-weixin-scan

关注微信公众号一键登录网站 WordPress插件
Follow the WeChat official account to log in to the website WordPress plug-in (2022-09-05, PHP, 52KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] shopeasy

Laravel ShopEasy - 超赞网店解决方案
Larravel ShopEasy - Great online store solution (2017-10-14, PHP, 166KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] crmeb-patch

CRMEB 微信商城补丁集合
CRMEB WeChat Mall patch collection (2020-06-23, PHP, 6KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] events-tracker

CRM and calendar to track events, weekly and monthly series, promoters, artists, producers, djs, venues and other entities. (2023-06-06, PHP, 13179KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] Pro

ECStore Pro - Laravel 微信网店微服务框架
ECStore Pro - Laravel WeChat Shop WeChat Service Framework (2017-10-11, PHP, 156KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] huankemao-php

Enterprise WeChat private domain traffic fission diversion SCRM system, open source PHP official Git (2021-04-03, PHP, 27849KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] crm

司跃CRM 基于laravel & arco.design & vue 开发,支持字段定制和二次开发 联系方式:17611303211(微信) <http: > 账号: 17611111111 密码: c...
司跃CRM 基于laravel & arco.design & vue 开发,支持字段定制和二次开发 联系方式:17611303211(微信) <http: > 账号: 17611111111 密码: c... (2023-05-14, PHP, 1911KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] rhaphp

RhaPHP是微信第三方管理平台,微信公众号管理系统,支持多公众号管理,CRM会员管理,小程序开发,APP接口开发、几乎集合微信功能,简洁、快速上手、快速开发微信各种各样应用。简洁、好用、快速、项目开发快几倍 。
RhaPHP is a WeChat third-party management platform, WeChat public account management system, which supports multiple public account management, CRM member management, applet development, APP interface development, almost integrating WeChat functions, and is simple, quick to start, and fast to develop various WeChat applications. Simple, easy to use, fast, project development several times faster. (2022-12-06, PHP, 8994KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] kdds

软件简介: 首家100%开源可定制的房产中介ERP管理系统,手机、电脑、微信、Pad同步使用,内网、外网高级结合,四网合一、一站同步、提高工作效率、安全可靠、操作简单。
Software Description: The first 100% open source customizable real estate intermediary ERP management system, mobile phones, computers, Wechat, Pad synchronous use, intranet, extranet advanced combination, four networks in one, one station synchronization, improve work efficiency, safe and reliable, easy to operate. (2018-09-27, PHP, 1KB, 下载2次)


[企业管理] 品优影视建站系统1.3.6完整包

The latest version of 1.3.6 (2018-04-02, PHP, 9326KB, 下载43次)


[企业管理] WeCenter

一款由深圳市微客互动有限公司开发的具有完全自主知识产权的开源软件。它安全,可靠,快速更迭,可以迅速帮助企业和组织通过微信,微薄,APP,网页社区等交互模式建立和客户之间的互动联系,积累知识要点,降低同质化内容的咨询成本和人力服务成本。让内容可以协同编辑,可以评价,可以快递分类和定位,建立符合企业和组织需求的结构化知识库。 通过微信公众帐号的对接,Wecenter利用结构化知识库和自然语言的检索,让企业拥有一个专业化的智能交流服务(类似苹果siri),建立一个微信端的crm系统。一款由深圳市微客互动有限公司开发的具有完全自主知识产权的开源软件。它安全,可靠,快速更迭,可以迅速帮助企业和组织通过微信,微薄,APP,网页社区等交互模式建立和客户之间的互动联系,积累知识要点,降低同质化内容的咨询成本和人力服务成本。让内容可以协同编辑,可以评价,可以快递分类和定位,建立符合企业和组织需求的结构化知识库。 通过微信公众帐号的对接,Wecenter利用结构化知识库和自然语言的检索,让企业拥有一个专业化的智能交流服务(类似苹果siri),建立一个微信端的crm系统。
An open source software developed by Shenzhen micro guest interactive Co., Ltd. with completely independent intellectual property rights. It is safe, reliable, rapid change, can quickly help businesses and organizations by WeChat, APP, modest, interactive relationship between "community interaction model and the customer, the accumulation of knowledge points, reducing the homogenization of content advisory service cost and manpower cost. Content can be co edited, you can evaluate, you can express, classify and locate, and establish a structured knowledge base that meets the needs of enterprises and organizations. By docking WeChat public account, retrieval of structured knowledge base and natural language using Wecenter, let the enterprise intelligent exchange service has a professional (similar to Apple Siri), establish a CRM system of WeChat terminal. (2017-09-07, PHP, 6476KB, 下载6次)


[企业管理] Vwins_3.0

Microsoft Vwins is a open source WeChat and Alipay public service window management system. (2016-05-25, PHP, 11119KB, 下载2次)


[企业管理] weimeng

Micro-channel public number management system, content description, and more graphics processing, support maps, and other members of management (2016-04-06, PHP, 27602KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] chnetterkucun11

原创在线库存管理系统(网客库存管理系统V1.1),可以实现在线编辑excel表格,并保存到服务器上。 另外可以当做在线office使用。
Original online inventory management system (network customer inventory management system V1.1), can be achieved online editor excel form and save to the server. Also can be used as a line office. (2010-08-01, PHP, 203KB, 下载29次)


[企业管理] PHP

Beautiful Government Network (php+ mysql) I have good database backup, the root directory: web [1]. Sql.zip (2009-12-08, PHP, 45171KB, 下载64次)
