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[Shell编程] OfficePasswordRemover

Office Password Remover 是可以瞬间破解MS Word和Excel文档文件密码工具,本人测试均不超过5秒。工作原理尚不清楚,不过使用本软件需要连接到互联网,因为要给软件服务器发送很少的数据并解密。不过大家可以放心,本软件不会泄露任何个人隐私。 本软件由看雪论坛鸡蛋壳脱壳破解,再由看雪论坛萝卜进一步破解文件大小限制,在此表示感谢。 软件已经完全汉化,除少部分非必要英文,如果用户发现翻译错误欢迎指正。
Office Password Remover can be instantaneous crack MS Word and E Excel document file password tools I tested is less than five seconds. Principle is not clear, but the use of the software needed to connect to the Internet, because the server software to give small and decryption of data. But you can rest assured that this software will not disclose any personal privacy. The software from the Forum to see snow on eggshells sabot break and then see Ice Forum radish further crack file size restrictions, in this grateful. The software has been completely finished, except for a small number of non-essential English, if users find correct translation error welcome. (2006-06-07, PHP, 372KB, 下载100次)
