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[云计算] goodmoring_lover

给女朋友微信早安提醒推送 小白版教程 无需服务器Saas版
Good morning on WeChat to your girlfriend, push the small white version of the tutorial without the server Saas version (2022-08-25, PHP, 1329KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] saas-php-sdk

WeChat, Baidu applet third-party platform multi platform interface integration sdk php version (2020-01-15, PHP, 35KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] wechat_open_platform

该项目旨在帮助微信 SAAS 开放平台开发者更方便的搭建一套完整的微信第三方业务平台
The project aims to help developers of WeChat SAAS open platform more conveniently build a complete set of WeChat third-party business platform (2017-07-30, PHP, 26KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] Laiketui

精致电商,来客, [ 微信 + 支付宝 + 百度 + 头条 ] 小程序 + APP + 公众号 + PC + H5,注重界面美感与用户体验,打造独特电商系统生态圈,不可多得的二开神器。 【PHP商城系统 分销商城 多用户商城 Saas ...
Delicate e-commerce, visitors, [WeChat+Alipay+Baidu+Toutiao] applet+APP+public account+PC+H5, focus on interface beauty and user experience, create a unique e-commerce system ecosystem, a rare second opener. [PHP Mall System Distribution Mall Multi user Mall Saas (2020-06-17, PHP, 12340KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] Intelligent-remote-video-monitoring

Intelligent remote video monitoring, this system uses Raspberry Pi 3B+as an embedded computing platform, combined with CSI cameras and a two degree of freedom rotating pan tilt. The main body uses Python and PHP programming, applies cutting-edge technologies such as I2C communication and OpenCV, and penetrates the internal and external network data transmission through Frp intranet to achieve remote real-time video monitoring, motion detection, and screenshot mailing (2022-06-25, PHP, 13029KB, 下载0次)
