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[建站系统] pronamic-woocommerce-subscriptions-period

This "Woo Subscriptions" add-on ensures that a period is saved with each subscription order. The "Woo Subscriptions" plugin itself does not store the subscription period in an order. Without this add-on, it is not clear to webshop owners and customers for what period the subscription order and associated payment was. (2024-06-01, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] zhuige-theme-ow-free

追格企业官网主题(开源版)由追格( [www.zhuige.com](http: www.zhuige.com) )开发的一款免费开源的WordPress主题,专为企业建站而设计。,
The theme of the official website of Zhuige Enterprise (open source version) is a free and open source WordPress theme developed by Zhuige ([www.zuige. com] (http: www.zuige. com)), which is specially designed for enterprise website building., (2023-08-12, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] runway

A mobile responsive WordPress theme for building business websites or personal portfolio. (2014-05-09, PHP, 834KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] PoiPlayer

WordPress NetEase Cloud Music External Chain Player Plug in (2018-06-11, PHP, 123KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] wxcaiji_i3geek

Wordpress plug-in, WeChat article collection, WeChat official account (service number) all history article collection, automatic collection. (2016-03-29, PHP, 780KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] Wechat-Manager

A wordpress plugin , called Wechat Manager. (2019-11-08, PHP, 63KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] jiangqie_kafei

The open source version of Jamaico applet is based on the WeChat applet of WordPress, which is applicable to blog applet and news information applet. (2023-06-06, PHP, 1886KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] shopxian_cms

Xiuxian cms is an open source, free and adaptive website building system. Our team has many years of experience in the development of BS architecture systems, and strives to become the most comprehensive service platform. The computer website, mobile phone website and WeChat website are all in one, helping the enterprise marketing and promoting the enterprise development. We also have our self-developed background management interface, which can be easily handled even if we don t understand the code. (2018-03-22, PHP, 109288KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] wxAppCMS

wxAppCMS 微信小程序管理系统 一款免费、简洁、高效、好用的微信小程序管理系统, 为微信小程序提供一个完美的开源解决方案。
WxAppCMS WeChat applet management system is a free, simple, efficient and easy-to-use WeChat applet management system, which provides a perfect open source solution for WeChat applet. (2019-01-25, PHP, 8626KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] geekland

Wechat applet cms, WeChat applet CMS framework, including server-side code (2017-01-11, PHP, 15294KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] xcxcms

开源微信小程序cms系统源码,企业官网小程序源码,适合企业 文章 新闻类等展示型系统。
Open source WeChat applet cms system source code, enterprise official website applet source code, suitable for enterprise article news and other display systems. (2019-10-21, PHP, 24589KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] Nuxtjs-Wordpress

Nuxtjs + Wordpress REST API 主题;支持企业微信通知功能;全站前后端分离,自适应,白日、黑夜两种主题切换
Nuxtjs+Wordpress REST API theme; Support enterprise WeChat notification function; The front and rear ends of the whole station are separated, adaptive, and switching between day and night themes (2023-06-04, PHP, 2169KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] maccms10

Apple cms official website, Apple cmsv10, maccmsv10, Maccms, open source cms, content management system, video sharing program, diversity story program, website navigation program, article program, cartoon program, picture program (2023-02-21, PHP, 4789KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] 全能解析

主目录文件结构及说明: admin 后台管理目录,请改名 save 数据保存目录,注意:权限必须为755以上,不然无法后台更新配置; cache 文件缓存 目录 注意:权限必须为755以上,不然出错; include 引用文件 目录 player 播放器目录 plus 插件存放目录 source 资源目录 templets 模版 目录 video 模块目录 index.php 首页文件 v.php vip调用页 api.php jsonp服务模块 config.php 配置文件 favicon.ico 网站图标 crossdomain.xml 访问权限控制文件 注意:文件直接拷贝到网站根目录下,很重要; data.php 本地数据库文件 parse.php 模块调用文件 play.html 框架调用文件 so.html 搜索页 404.html 404页 使用前,需登录后台 "/admin" ,默认账号:admin 默认密码:admin888 系统设置-基本设置-网站路径 默认为v3 ,修改为自己上传的目录,如果是根目录,留空即可正常运行; 其他配置请自行摸索,这里不再说明;
Video parsing source code (2019-06-10, PHP, 7478KB, 下载1次)


[建站系统] 白狐影视导航系统

无任何版权问提,自运营采集源,API自动采集,精品广告位,社区运营,安全轻松做流量 白狐影视导航系统是一套影视聚合门户网站管理系统,自运营采集源,无需人工操作,API自动采集电影、电视剧、综艺、动漫和热门短视频; 采用的是PHP+MYSQL架构,本着支持二次开发,免费升级原则,为你打 造一套PHP电影建站程序。不需要庞大的空间与高带宽,迅速搭建起 一个内容丰富的视频、资讯网站。支持多终端跨平台:PC+wap+ 微信+APP
No copyright questions, self-operating collection sources, API automatic collection, boutique advertising space, community operations, safe and easy to do traffic White Fox Film and Television Navigation System is a set of film and television aggregation portal website management system, self-operation collection source, without manual operation, API automatic collection of movies, TV series, variety, animation and popular short video; PHP + MYSQL framework is used, in line with support for secondary development, free upgrade principle, to create a set of PHP movie station program for you. No need for huge space and high bandwidth, quickly build a rich video and information website. Support multi terminal cross platform: PC+wap+ WeChat +APP (2018-10-14, PHP, 2255KB, 下载3次)


[建站系统] 微擎1.77纯净稳定商业版框架

Micro-engine commercial source CMS system is a relatively comprehensive micro-letter public number development widget developed by the third-party service system, open a variety of interfaces, can meet the needs of enterprises, or want to own research and development of micro-letter colleagues. (2018-10-02, PHP, 18299KB, 下载8次)


[建站系统] 爱客影视

2018 the latest love guest movie and TV full open source decryption version, automatic acquisition update, no manual operation, adaptive PC+WAP+ flat, drainage artifact (2018-06-05, PHP, 6907KB, 下载9次)


[建站系统] 品优影视建站系统1.3.6.3完整包

品优影视系统1.3.6.3最新版,最完美的影视系统。 PJ+164941112
(The latest version of (2018-05-28, PHP, 8874KB, 下载36次)


[建站系统] WeEngine-Laster-Offline

Open source WeChat microsystem, various micromalls, red envelopes and distribution functions (2017-08-09, PHP, 9496KB, 下载8次)
