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[*行业应用] 苹果cms首途模板

Apple cms v10 movie template, optimized for SEO (2020-03-11, PHP, 593KB, 下载2次)


[*行业应用] 招聘大师v3.4.2开源

招聘大师,在线招聘 开源 微信小程序 APP 微信公众号
Recruitment master, online recruitment open source (2020-02-12, PHP, 4687KB, 下载15次)


[*行业应用] dy1

众享网络电影程序是一个点广告版程序.可以设置强制广告.让用户点了广告才可以看电影.这样可以能让你的广告更能得到收入,让站长赚的钱更多啊. 而且又是一个不用你自己维护的电影网站程序,自己带有几百部电影.而且我们官方会在时时发布数据库,让你直接下载上传就可以加上电影,而且我们将会保证电影都可以看.让大家能真正做到一个能看的电影网站,不用在发愁电影程序下载了,电影都不能看,而难受了. 修改广告,请在:Movie_Film这个文件修改点击广告. 如果有不懂的地方请来官方网站留言.
enjoy the film process is a procedural point of billboards. You can set mandatory advertising. Users can point to the advertisements to watch movies. This will allow you to be more advertising revenue, so head earns more ah. it is a not your own movie site maintenance procedures, with hundreds of his films. And we will always be the official publication database, so you directly upload can download movies, but we will ensure that the film can do. so that we can really can see a movie site, no need to worry about downloading the film, the film can, and in an awkward. changes advertising, please : Movie_Film amend this document click on the ads. If there is not the official website of the local invited messages. (2005-12-26, PHP, 205KB, 下载10次)


[*行业应用] 全国声讯电话支付接口 v2.5(PHP)

接口特点: 1.支持全国所有省份固定电话、小灵通、中国移动手机,开通移动、电信、网通多个声讯热线号码。 2.真正傻瓜式支付接口,提供安装程序,只需简单设置即可使用。 3.设置商户密钥,支付信息加密传递,加强支付安全性,加密系统与其他银行卡在线支付兼容。 4.提供简单的定单管理系统,商户可随时了解支付情况。 5.168注册中心(www.168reg.com)提供完善的后台管理系统,提供定单管理、定单统计、财务管理、用户资料修改、商户密钥设置、推荐用户及技术支持等功能。 6.提交支付信息时可保存两个自定义字段,可以记录定单需要返回的其他重要信息。 7.您可以登录后台管理系统查看定单以下信息:定单号、用户支付金额、商户所得金额、自定义字段、支付日期、结帐信息等。 8.提供宣传推广代码,推荐其他商户加盟可获得其收入的5%提成
interface characteristics : 1. All the provinces of the country to support the fixed-line operator, China Mobile phones, opened Mobile, Telecom, Netcom multiple voice hotline numbers. 2. The real fool-payment interface, to provide the installation process, you can simply set up in order to use. 3. Key set up businesses, encrypted payment information transfer, enhance payment security and encryption system and other bank cards online payment compatible. 4. Simple orders management system, operators will be kept informed of the payment. 5.168 Registration Center (www.168reg.com) provided the background sound management system which provides order management, order statistics, financial management, user information changes, key businesses set up to recommend users and technical support functi (2005-12-16, PHP, 71KB, 下载19次)
