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[文件格式] wechat-wall

wechat wall (2014-03-06, PHP, 5KB, 下载29次)


[文件格式] daodizhu

网页版的在线二人斗地主游戏,打开网页即可直接斗地主,无需下载客户端! 游戏流程跟QQ斗地主差不多,可使用注册的帐号登陆游戏,也可以在登陆游戏后邀请好友以客人的身份加入对战。 界面比较简单明了,经过测试,在相方网速良好的情况下可以相当流畅的进行游戏。
Web page version of the online斗地主two games, open the page directly斗地主no client download! QQ Games with the flow almost斗地主use landing Register Game Account, you can visit at the invitation of friends after the game to add customers against identity. Interface is relatively simple and clear, tested at a good speed side of the case can be quite smooth to the Games. (2009-04-05, PHP, 305KB, 下载8次)
