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[文章/文档] Duckddns_ipv6

duckdns免费的ddns确实很香,然而使用起来不是很方便。 duckdns的windows官方软件只支持ipv4。linux中按官方的文档说明,很多时候获取的ipv6并不是公网ipv6,而且当ipv6更新失败时,它就会自动更新ipv4,然而我没有公网ipv4,这回导致域...,
Duckdns free ddns is really popular, but it is not very convenient to use. Duckdns official windows software only supports ipv4. According to the official documents in Linux, many times the ipv6 obtained is not the public network ipv6, and when the ipv6 update fails, it will automatically update the ipv4. However, I do not have the public network ipv4, which causes the domain to, (2023-10-20, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] MikroTik-doc-cn

Translate the RouterOS help document on MikroTik s official website, (2023-10-19, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] bif-doc

Open documents of Spark Chain, (2023-09-18, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] CHSI-Converter

One click conversion of Xuexin English files, (2023-07-24, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] CourseDown

This book is used to download the online video of USTC Hanhai Teaching Network, (2022-01-08, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] -book118-

Crawl the pdf and word documents of the document submission and earning website and the original document (book118) and generate pdf files for easy download., (2019-09-22, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] docdown

Using the original document book118 driven by playwright and the docin download tool of Douding.com, (2022-11-17, Python, 0KB, 下载2次)


[文章/文档] Build-Your-Own-Face-Model

Build your own ArcFace, CenterFace Centernet (2021-05-24, Python, 26198KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] python的numpy和sympy库使用说明文档

numpy库和sympy库说明文档,前者148页,后者2000多页。外网公开资料。 (2022-11-22, Python, 17665KB, 下载9次)


[文章/文档] 用Python写网络爬虫

本书讲解 了 如何使用P川lOil来编写 网络爬虫程序 , 内 容包括 网络爬虫简 介 , 从页面 中 抓取数据 的三种方法 , 提取缓存 中 的 数据 , 使用 多 个线程和进 程来进行并发抓取 , 如何抓取动态页面 中 的 内 容 , 与表单进行交互 , 处理页 面 中 的 验证码 问 题, 以及使用 Sca rpy 和 Portia 来进行数据抓取 , 并在最后使 用 本书介绍 的 数据抓取技术对几个真实 的 网 站进行 了 抓取 。
This book explains how to use p Chuan l oil to write a web crawler program, including the web crawler Brief Three methods of fetching data from a page, extracting data from cache, using multiple threads and entering Program to grab concurrent, how to grab the content of dynamic pages, interact with forms, and process pages Verification code problem in face, and data capture using SCA RPY and Portia, and finally, the This paper uses the data capture technology introduced in this book to capture several real websites. (2021-04-16, Python, 9636KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] netlist

This program is used to analyze the back-end net list of Digital IC design, and can automatically extract the port list of the module (2021-03-31, Python, 2KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] 微信公众号

Python implements the WeChat official account project, which describes the actual combat process of WeChat official account. The article contains the source code of the project implementation process. (2021-03-16, Python, 5440KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] Snap7-手册

Snap7 参考手册。 西门子PLC的开源通信库,基于以太网(Ethernet)通信的Snap7系列通信库是一个相当不错的选择。 这款通信库支持包括S7系列的S7-200、S7-200 Smart、S7-300、S7-400、S7-1200以及S7-1500的以太网通信。 支持的编程语言包括了C/C++、C#、Pascal、Python、Java、LabVIEW、Node.js
Snap7 English manual (2021-02-26, Python, 3343KB, 下载13次)


[文章/文档] ECC

Python implementation of elliptic curve encryption algorithm,Joint Development Network is really good. (2019-08-21, Python, 4KB, 下载5次)


[文章/文档] Python总结

(一)如何学习Python 2 (二)一些Python免费课程推荐 3 (三)Python爬虫需要哪些知识? 4 (四)Python爬虫进阶 6 (五)Python爬虫面试指南 7 (六)推荐一些不错的Python博客 8 (七)Python如何进阶 9 (八)Python爬虫入门 10 (九)Python开发微信公众号 12 (十)Python面试概念和代码 15 (十一)Python书籍 23
(1) How to learn Python 2 (2) Some Python Free Courses Recommendation 3 (3) What knowledge does Python crawler need? Four (4) Python crawler advancement 6 (5) Python Crawler Interview Guide 7 (6) Recommend some good Python blogs 8 (7) How Python Advances (8) Introduction to Python Reptiles (9) Development of Wechat Public Number 12 by Python (10) Python Interview Concept and Code 15 (11) Python Books 23 (2019-05-13, Python, 1299KB, 下载7次)


[文章/文档] Kivy库

1.10的官方文档 创建Kivy应用程序既有趣又有回报。这个指南应该是一个完美的起点,让你在正确的轨道上应用程序开发。您需要掌握Python的基本知识才能了解本介绍。
It's the official document of 1.10. Creating Kivy apps is fun and rewarding. This guide should be the perfect starting point to get you on the right track for app development. You will require a basic knowledge of Python to follow this introduction. (2018-09-19, Python, 6886KB, 下载7次)


[文章/文档] OpenCV官方教程中文版(For Python)

This book is opencv's official website tutorial (Chinese version) for Python (2017-07-27, Python, 5594KB, 下载19次)
