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[GPT/ChatGPT] vpnfast.github

2024翻墙科学上网指南,最新最好用的翻墙VPN推荐排行,持续关注SSR、V2ray代理、VPN、梯子等翻墙工具,中国访问ChatGPT使用AI方法。, stars:55, update:2024-04-19 09:41:53 (2024-04-19, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] _next

ChatGPT官网SSR项目所有的静态资源以及Jinja2模版页面, stars:0, update:2024-04-11 05:11:03 (2024-04-12, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] wx-openai-server

微信公众号接入openai ,
WeChat official account access to openai (2023-03-18, HTML, 12KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] wx-chatgpt

公众号微信云托管接入 chatgpt 模板 ,
Official account WeChat cloud hosting access chatgpt template (2023-03-07, HTML, 12KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] ChatGPT-3.5

一个用原生JavaScript和编写的ChatGPT聊天界面,基于openai的GPT-3.5 turbo API接口实现, 并使用官方接口文档提供的方案实现了记忆历史对话上下文的功能,使其可以持续对话,可实现与官网ChatGPT接近的持续性对话效果。 ,
A ChatGPT chat interface written in native JavaScript, based on the GPT-3.5 turbo API interface of Openai, and using the solution provided in the official interface document to implement the function of memorizing historical dialogue context, enabling continuous dialogue, achieving a sustained dialogue effect similar to the official ChatGPT website. (2023-03-12, HTML, 2210KB, 下载0次)



一个用原生JavaScript和编写的ChatGPT聊天界面,基于openai的GPT-3 API接口实现, 并增加记忆对话上下文的功能,使AI对话更加自然,通过特殊手段防止其“接话”,可实现与官网ChatGPT类似的持续性对话效果。 ,
A ChatGPT chat interface written in native JavaScript, implemented based on the GPT-3 API interface of OpenAI, and with the addition of the function of memorizing conversation context, making AI conversations more natural. By using special means to prevent them from "answering", it can achieve a sustained conversation effect similar to the official ChatGPT website. (2023-03-09, HTML, 1372KB, 下载0次)
