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[界面编程] SkinSharp

最近想玩一下软件界面,百度了半天,发现 SkinSharp 挺强的。可是以前写的好多程序都懒得改源码了,所以想调戏一下 SkinSharp ,在没有源码的情况下,让任何一个 EXE 都可以使用 SkinSharp。本人是很尊重知识产权的,发这个贴子完全是出于技术交流的目的。如果你想使用 SkinSharp 请到官网 http://www.skinsharp.com/htdocs/index.htm 购买。这里玩的 SkinSharp 是1.0.6.6 版的。
Recently want to play the software interface Baidu for a long time, and quite strong SkinSharp. But I used to write a lot of programs are too lazy to change the source code, so I want to take liberties with SkinSharp, in case there is no source, so any SkinSharp an EXE can use. I have great respect for the intellectual property, send this post out the purpose of the exchange of technology. If you want to use SkinSharp Please official website http://www.skinsharp.com/htdocs/index.htm purchase. The play here SkinSharp version (2012-12-01, Asm, 493KB, 下载13次)
