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[通讯编程] iocicy

手机网游巨商王的客户端代码,nokia s60版本, (2018-02-13, Others, 624KB, 下载1次)


[通讯编程] iqrpcw

一种用CMAC网 j建立模糊控制器的新方法 (2018-01-09, Others, 428KB, 下载2次)


[通讯编程] vtedocatedebuggerinternal

Flat Scroll Bar 这个代码可以返回当前机子中的网卡的以太网地址
Flat Scroll Bar this code can be returned to the network card in the current machine Ethernet address (2017-06-09, Others, 42KB, 下载1次)


[通讯编程] eebsite-CXFs

cxf官网下载的jar包 apache-cxf-3,1,10,tar,gz
CXF s official website to download the apache CXF- 3,1,10 jar package, tar, gz (2017-04-30, Others, 19KB, 下载1次)


[通讯编程] otherEthernet

其他环境下以太网串口设备测试通信软件 提供源码
Ethernet serial device other circumstances test communications software source code (2011-03-09, Others, 543KB, 下载4次)


[通讯编程] three-color

Wireless sensor network clustering algorithm for four-color algorithm in the simulation OMNET, I hope all of you to help (2009-05-10, Others, 1608KB, 下载20次)


[通讯编程] dianxinkuandaiweihu

A municipal broadband metropolitan area network can support high-speed data access, directly to the building, business users and residential users to provide various broadband services and support, such as high-speed Internet, VPLS (LAN interconnection), interactive video, remote health care/education, etc. interactive services. AADSL as a result of the rapid development of broadband users, with increasing equipment capacity, as well as other restrictions, the network form of the growing complexity of the operation of equipment varies, together with the co-ordination between the various models of the problem, so problems in the maintenance of increasingly complex and subtle. The actual maintenance of the following that were encountered in three cases of failure, Analysis of Broadband MAN maintenance. (2008-09-18, Others, 6KB, 下载4次)


[通讯编程] Exchange

from inside to answer the phone terminals, digital lines between the Internet Bureau, thereby constituting a telephone network. Call received, exhaled request, the routing table through the inquiries to determine internal and external calls or communications, Then Channel switch function realization of inter-channel call (2007-06-17, Others, 356KB, 下载5次)
