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[Shell编程] TmRemoteProxy

利用腾讯的tm可以远程控制内网电脑(透过防火墙),但此建立过程需要双方进行交互确认。tm远程代理可以在内网被控方电脑进行自动应答,实现无需操作内网机器即可进行控制。本代码使用AutoIt3.0 & VC 6.0开发的。实现是通过监视qq窗口和模拟鼠标和键盘操作。
use the remote control can tm within a computer network (through a firewall), However, this process requires both sides to establish interactive confirmed. Tm remote agent could have charged to the computer network automatically replies, without realizing operating within the network can be controlled machines. The code used AutoIt3.0 (2007-03-26, Others, 291KB, 下载48次)
