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[.net编程] lmAnswer

基于ASP.net(C#) + MSSQL 2005,遵循W3C规范。业务功能抽象到组件,可按业务需求“堆砌”组件,实现在线销售平台(网店系统)的快速搭建。 组键丰富,业务功能强大,永久免费。 本系统支持完整的在线销售流程,涵盖主流B2C网店系统所需的几乎所有功能: 支持模板定制,并具有强大的扩展性; 支持单品、组合商品、礼包、多种类产品属性自定义; 支持产品显微展示、自动生成缩率; 支持精确库存管理、库存冻结、超量购买限制; 支持打折、抵用券、积分、买赠、限时活动等;支持组合促销方案; 支持货到付款、支付宝、财付通、网银在线; 支持订单打印、物流管理; 支持可扩展的内容管理,包括文字、图片、多媒体等; 支持会员,包含会员等级及会员优惠管理; 支持网站联盟;
ASP.net (C#)+ MSSQL 2005, follow the W3C specification. Business functions abstract components, according to business needs " a pile of components to quickly build online sales platform (online shop system). Rich, powerful business group key free permanently. The system supports a complete online sales process, covering almost all the features required by mainstream B2C shop system: support template customization and powerful scalability support a single product, the combination of merchandise, gift package, many types of product attributes custom support products microscopy show, automatically generated shrinkage support accurate inventory management, inventory freeze, excess purchase limit support discount voucher, integral, buy gifts, limited activities support a combination of marketing programs support cash on delivery Paypal, money paid through online banking online support printing orders, logistics management support scalable content management, including text, imag (2013-01-16, Others, 2392KB, 下载8次)


[.net编程] pdomain

1.关于软件:域名吉凶查询,仅供娱乐; 2.CAR技术,复制即可运行,防止SQL注入功能; 3.所有站长和米农必备的查询工具!太有灵验了!
1: good and bad about the software domain name query, only for entertainment 2.CAR technology, copy to run, to prevent SQL injection function 3 of all owners and rice farmers query tools necessary! Too much work! (2013-01-15, Others, 27KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] XXYY

医院网站管理系统(全站生成静态)v1.0 1.页面简洁、清爽、大气 2.全站生成静态,利于优化 3.针对每篇文章设立关键词索引确保每篇文章都可以做为SEO优化页 4.兼容性强 5.asp.net技术更加迅速且更安全 6.通用性强,可应用于所有大小医院或科室 7.操作简单,不需要任何专业知识便可建立专业医院门户官网 8.可持续性,本程序将持续更新改进
Hospital website management system (station generates static) v1.0 1 page simple, refreshing atmosphere. Station generates static, help to optimize the 3. Keyword Index for each article set up to ensure that each article can be used as a SEO optimization page 4. strong compatibility 5.asp.net technology faster and more secure. versatility, can be applied to all size hospitals or departments. easy to operate and does not require any expertise in specialty hospitals can establish the portal official website 8. sustainability of this program will be continuously updated to improve (2013-01-14, Others, 2748KB, 下载11次)


[.net编程] nettxl1.0

自由领域.NET同学录 V1.0 是一套即可用电脑浏览又可以用手机访问的互动同学录单班级系统。这套系统同学录系统可以满足现在WAP普及的今天同学用手机上网交流的需求,做到了时时刻刻可以连上自己的班级网站,时时刻刻可以用手机了解同学的情况,让同学间的交流变的易如反掌! 这套同学录程序包含了同学资料查询,班级相册,班级留言,班级论坛,许愿板,点歌台,班费开支查询,同学聚会(支持聚会的取消)、班级简介、班内短信、论坛上传照片,班级网盘、支持多管理员平台以及最流行的在线大头贴拍照等功能,而且其中的绝大部分功能都在手机上得到了实现。无论在哪,只要手机能够上网,就能够看到班级网站,就能够和同学进行交流。 管理员帐号 admin 密码 admin888
The area of ​ ​ freedom. NET the Classmates V1.0 is a set you can use a computer browser and can use the phone to access the interactive website single-class system. The system Classmates system can meet the needs of today' s students use mobile Internet communication, WAP popularity always can even do on their own classroom website, always understand the situation of the students can use the phone, so that the exchange between the students becomes a breeze! Set Classmates program contains a classmate information query class album, class message class forum, Wishing board, song, class fee expenses query, class reunion (gathering canceled) Profile of classes classes SMS Forum Upload photos, class network disk, support multi-administrator platform as well as the most popular online Scenery camera functions, and the vast majority of functions have been realized on the phone. No matter where, as long as the mobile phone to the Internet, you can see the class website, and stude (2013-01-11, Others, 1703KB, 下载7次)


[.net编程] overcity_bus

楼房网-全国长途公共汽车查询 功能介绍: 1.收录数据:全国城市长途汽车站时刻表,运行目标,收录900个 2.ACCESS数据库,直接使用不需要安装SQL数据库; 3.多种关键字查找,支持全文模糊查询; 4.界面清晰优美,查找目标高亮显示; 5.防止SQL注入功能。 6.生成静态文件,SEO利器!
The buildings network- the national long-distance bus query function: 1. Included data: national city coach station schedule, running target, a collection of 900 2.ACCESS database, do not need to install the SQL database directly 3. Multiple keywords Find support the text fuzzy query 4. clear and beautiful interface, find the target highlighted 5. prevent SQL injection. 6. Generate static files, SEO weapon! (2013-01-11, Others, 2236KB, 下载3次)


[.net编程] bremedy

楼房网-中医美容减肥查询 功能介绍: 1.收录数据:美容减肥抗衰老秘方554例 2.ACCESS数据库,直接使用不需要安装SQL数据库; 3.多种关键字查找,支持全文模糊查询; 4.界面清晰优美,查找目标高亮显示; 5.防止SQL注入功能。
Building network- the beauty of Chinese medicine to lose weight query features: 1. Included the data: beauty slimming anti-aging secret the 554 cases 2.ACCESS database directly use do not need to install the SQL database 3. Multiple keywords Find support text fuzzy query 4. interface is clear and beautiful, to find the target is highlighted 5. prevent SQL injection. (2013-01-11, Others, 1905KB, 下载4次)


[.net编程] famouseremark

楼房网-名人名言查询 功能介绍: 1.收录数据:名人名言,收录了24860个 2.ACCESS数据库,直接使用不需要安装SQL数据库; 3.多种关键字查找,支持全文模糊查询; 4.界面清晰优美,查找目标高亮显示; 5.防止SQL注入功能。
Building network- famous celebrity query Features: 1. Included data: famous celebrity, and contains 24,860 2.ACCESS database, do not need to install the SQL database directly 3. Multiple keywords Find support text fuzzy query interface 4. clear and beautiful, to find the target is highlighted 5. prevent SQL injection function. (2013-01-11, Others, 862KB, 下载5次)


[.net编程] plocal

楼房网-手机归属地查询 功能介绍: 1.查手机归属地 2.直接使用不需要数据库; 3.界面清晰优美,查找目标高亮显示; 4.防止SQL注入功能。
The building net- phone ownership to inquiries Features: check phone attribution to directly use does not require database 3. Clear and beautiful interface, find the target highlighted 4. Prevent SQL injection. (2013-01-11, Others, 4KB, 下载2次)


[.net编程] post-simple

楼房网-邮政编码查询 功能介绍: 1.简化版本的邮编查询 2.ACCESS数据库,直接使用不需要安装SQL数据库; 3.多种关键字查找,支持全文模糊查询; 4.界面清晰优美,查找目标高亮显示; 5.防止SQL注入功能。
Building network- postal code query function: 1 simplified version of the zip code query The 2.ACCESS database, direct use does not need to install SQL database 3 kinds of fuzzy query support keyword search, full text 4 clear interface beautiful, find target highlight 5 to prevent SQL injection function. (2013-01-11, Others, 35KB, 下载3次)


[.net编程] taobaopaipaitongji

淘宝/拍拍网店流量统计源码(支持多个用户同时调用) 淘宝上的流量统计是付费的,可拍拍上没有增值流量统计的服务,于时我就自己写了一个,简单,够用 开发语言asp.net(C#)3.5结果acces 2007数据库编写的,系统会自动删除三天前的IP统计记录,保持数据库不增大。 背景的图片是根目录的2.gif。你也可以做个相同大小的替换 调用方式http://你的网址/pic.aspx?u=z(这Z是调用用户参数
Taobao/Pat shop flow statistics ( support multiple users at the same time the call ) Taobao the flow statistics is paid, can beat no value-added flow statistics service, when I wrote a simple enough,, Development language asp.net ( C# ) 3.5 acces 2007 database, the system will automatically delete the three days prior to the IP statistical records, keeping the database does not increase. Background picture is the root directory 2.gif. You can also do the same size replacement Call http:// your web site /pic.aspx? U=z ( Z is the calling user parameters (2013-01-11, Others, 109KB, 下载3次)


[.net编程] exsShop

九暮网店管理系统介绍 1.类别管理:可添加、修改、删除商品类别; 2.商品管理:可上传商品编号、名称、规格、大小、颜色、图片、商品类别等相关信息,可根据商品名称、编号、类别进行查询 3.商家管理:管理商家信息,有商家名称、编号、联系人、联系方式、备注等相关信息; 4.用户管理:可设置系统管理员; 5.出库与入库操作:进行商品的出库与入库,商品库存不足5个时,将红色显示提示; 6.出库与入库记录:记录每次出库入库记录与备注,可根据商品名称、类别、出入库时间进行查询; 本系统主要适合中小网店使用,安装版目前正在开发中。 默认登录用户:admin 密码:1
Nine Twilight shop management system The 1 category management: add, modify, delete categories of commodities 2 commodity management: can upload goods ID, name, specifications, size, color, picture, merchandise category and other related information, according to the name of commodity, number, categories for query 3 business management: management of business information, a business name, ID, contacts, contacts, notes and other related information 4 user management : can be set to the system administrator 5 delivery and warehousing operations : commodity warehousing and storage, inventory of goods to less than 5, the red show tips 6 delivery and storage recording: record of each library storage records and notes, according to the commodity name, category, out of storage time queries This system is mainly suitable for middle and small shop to use, install version is currently under development. Default login user: admin Password: 1 (2013-01-11, Others, 958KB, 下载5次)


[.net编程] zylw_2011

简介: 1.中国远志论文网手机版是一款出色wap网站程序,可以帮助您轻松的构建自己的wap网站 2.程序采用微软先进的ASP.NET技术开发,采用分层架构、插件机制、模板引擎驱动,并且持续升级,力争做最好的wap cms,为您的wap网站建设竭尽全力! 3.它采用wap2.0标准,使您既可以在手机上浏览,也可以在电脑上浏览。 4.系统充分整合了手机浏览的方便性和电脑管理的便捷性,前台以手机浏览为主,后台以电脑上操作为主 5.程序简洁而不简单,可以轻松上手,在应用中学习 后台登陆地址:/admin 管理员帐号:admin 密码:dmncn.com
Brief introduction: 1 Chinese Polygala of mobile phone edition is an excellent site WAP procedures, can help you easily build their own WAP site 2 program using Microsoft ASP.NET advanced technology development, using a layered architecture, plug-in mechanism, a template engine driving, and continuous upgrading, and strive to do the best WAP CMS, for your WAP site construction strain every nerve! In 3 it uses the WAP2.0 standard, so you can be in mobile phone browsing, also can be in the computer browsing. 4 the system fully integrated mobile phone browsing convenience and computer management convenience, the front desk for mobile phone browsing, background in computer operation The 5 procedure is simple but not simple, easy to use, in the application of learning Background landing address: /admin Administrator account password: admin: dmncn.com (2013-01-11, Others, 806KB, 下载4次)


[.net编程] familyname

1-关于楼房网:楼房网(louhome.com)是深圳房地产门户网站,中文域名:"房地产信息网.中国"。 2-内容介绍:收录中国姓氏约480个,包括复姓。 3-关于软件:ASP.NET+ACCESS,不需要安装复制即可运行。防止SQL注入设计。 4-关于开源:源码内对可以改写部分做了详细的注解,站长可以根据自己的需要修改源码以满足需求。
1- building network: building networks (louhome.com) is a real estate portal in Shenzhen, the Chinese domain name: " Real Estate Information Network." - Content: The collection of approximately 480 Chinese surnames, including hyphenated.- About the software: ASP.NET+ACCESS do not need to install the copy can run. Prevent SQL injection design. 4- open source: the source code can be rewritten part detailed annotations, owners can modify the source code based on their own needs to meet the demand. (2013-01-11, Others, 201KB, 下载5次)


[.net编程] semiji

成都信息网源码,风格简介,快捷方便。后台功能简单实用。 会员发布信息程序自动生成静态页面,方便搜索引擎收录。关键字优化适当。 删除信息自动删除静态文件。 文字和图片广告用户可自行购买,到期自动下架。 后台演示地址:http://demo.semiji.com/phuai007/admin_login.aspx 帐户和密码都是:admin
Chengdu information source, style, profile, fast and convenient. Back-office functions is simple and practical. The Member released information program automatically generate static pages, to facilitate the search engines. Keyword Optimization appropriate. Delete information static files are automatically deleted. Text and image ads users can purchase shelves expire automatically. Background presentation address: http://demo.semiji.com/phuai007/admin_login.aspx account and password are: admin (2013-01-10, Others, 439KB, 下载3次)


[.net编程] lnka_name_1.0

灵匣网姓名测试系统能全方位测试分析名字并给出名字的五行、三才、五格的评分,并结合四柱八字的喜用神、五行情况,进行综合测评,是比较合理的姓名测试系统。 安装说明: 1、本程序由C# + Jquery开发布成。 2、程序运势环境是.net 2.0 3、解压后,目录“lnka_name”是源程序,在vs环境中打开lnka_app.sln文件进行调试,使用时需“生成”部署包发布到网站中。 4、目录“app_compile”里面是运行文件,直接在IIS中(根目录下)运行即可。
The the spiritual the cartridges network name test system can be all-round test analysis name and given name of the five elements, Sancai five grid score, combined with four-poster horoscopes hi God, the five elements of a comprehensive evaluation, is relatively reasonable name test system. Installation instructions: 1, the program was opened by the C#+ Jquery publish. 2, procedures fortune environment is a net 2.0 3, after decompression, the directory " lnka_name" is the source vs environment open lnka_app.sln files for debugging, when using " Build deployment package posted to the site. 4, the directory " app_compile" inside run the file, and can be run directly in IIS (the root directory). (2013-01-10, Others, 342KB, 下载15次)


[.net编程] MovieWeb

This software is a professional interactive learning platform- School cloud network (www.ixueyun.com) portrait of dedication. The software can easily video upload, video category management, video search, video streaming media player and member registration, login, password change function. School cloud network provides a demonstration of the system throughout the development process. (2012-08-28, Others, 1380KB, 下载12次)


[.net编程] dytuan-v3.9

Group purchase system, similar to the ASP.NET handle net group purchase system, is currently the group purchase system a generic template (2011-08-07, Others, 13063KB, 下载8次)


[.net编程] wqshop5.5_AC

Network strange. NET online shopping mall system is based on. Net platform free mall system. Powerful, easy to operate, set up easy. Without any settings, upload it to support a host of space you can use asp.net. (2009-11-12, Others, 2609KB, 下载6次)


[.net编程] demo

.net平台下 梦网短信接口的DEMO,源码直接编译
. net platform Monternet message interface DEMO, source direct compiler (2008-08-05, Others, 14KB, 下载61次)


[.net编程] ASP.NET2

. NET network Zhanhua design better e-books, data complete, suitable for all developers to read. (2008-03-29, Others, 40721KB, 下载16次)
