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[DevOps] Vpc_infrastructure_creation_ansible

A complete vpc infra with subnets, internet gateway, route table, ec2 instances. (2024-07-05, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] firewalld-ansible-playbook

设置简单的基于主机的防火墙,包括选择性地阻止来自Ptn land和其他敌对国家/地区的所有子网
Setting up a simple host based firewall including optionally blocking all subnets from Ptn-land and other hostile countries (2024-06-07, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] ansible-role-rhn

注册Red Hat Network的简单银河角色
Ansible galaxy role for registering with Red Hat Network (2024-05-06, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] ansible_role_weechat

Ansible role to install and configure weechat (2024-03-22, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] Redrock-SRE-2024-Ops-Winter-Assessment

2024 年红岩网校工作站运维安全部运维方向寒假考核
2024 Winter vacation assessment in the direction of operation and maintenance of Hongyan Network School workstation operation and maintenance security department (2024-01-21, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] os-networks

Ansible role to register OpenStack networks, subnets and routers (2023-11-13, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] DingTalk_OBS_ZWX

一个用来应对网课的方案,真的是,正经人谁上网课啊。 使用软件:OBS Virtual Audio Cables 钉钉视频会议。 希望能够正确使用~ ~ ~ ~ (!!!然后效果就是挂了一个视频在钉钉会议里,并且开麦就是电流声了!!!),
A plan to deal with online classes. It s true that serious people who take online classes. Software used: OBS Virtual Audio Cables nailing video conference. I hope you can use~~~~(!!!) correctly, and then the effect is to hang a video in the nailing meeting, and the sound of electric current will be heard during the opening!!!), (2023-08-16, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] net.dapla.mainnet

CICD automation for zerotier mainnet backends, (2021-11-30, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] Auto-Network-Connector

西北工业大学校园网宽带自动重连程序(exe可执行程序)。由于学校时不时网络 维 修以及每月初都会断网,为了不影响电脑正常使用,写了这个网络自动重连程序。 运 行前设定拨号连接的名称、账号与密码,之后每一分钟检测一次网络,若断网则自动重连。,
Northwestern Polytechnical University campus network broadband automatic reconnection program (exe executable program). Since the school maintains the network from time to time and cuts off the network at the beginning of each month, in order not to affect the normal use of the computer, I wrote this automatic network reconnection program. Set the name, account and password of the dial-up connection before running, and then check the network every minute. If the network is disconnected, it will automatically reconnect., (2021-07-04, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] devops_now

一个特别的项目,计划是每月一个里程碑,内容侧重于 运 维 自动化方向。侧重前端架构,后端设计,产品设计,其他方向的也可以,欢迎来群分享,私聊微信 jeanron100,
For a special project, the plan is a milestone every month, with the content focusing on the direction of operation and maintenance automation. Focus on front-end architecture, back-end design and product design. Other directions are also acceptable. Welcome to share with the group, and chat privately about jeanron100 on WeChat, (2018-09-14, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] loginlog_windows

读取登录过本机的登录失败或登录成功的所有计算机信息,在内网渗透中快速定位 运 维 管理人员。,
Read the information of all computers that have logged in to the local computer and failed or successfully logged in, and quickly locate the operation and maintenance management personnel in the intranet penetration., (2019-09-30, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)



DATAOPSMUSICMESH,, (2022-03-25, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)
