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[项目管理] 1969


Training consultation applet based on WeChat applet+SSM+MySQL (graduation design), training consultation applet based on WeChat applet+SSM+MySQL, administrator, user role, etc. User management, training course management, training project management, course purchase management, project purchase management, etc< br > (2024-06-15, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] 1951

Home service applet based on WeChat applet+SSM+MySQL (with thesis) (graduation design), home service applet based on WeChat applet+SSM+MySQL (with thesis), administrator, user role, etc. The household service management system based on WeChat applet uses WeChat developer tools to develop the user front-end, uses the SSM framework and Java language to develop the administrator background, and uses MySQL to create a data table to save the data generated by the system. The system can provide information display and corresponding services. Its administrator manages the housekeeping company, housekeeping aunts, housekeeping appointments and service items, and manages comments and messages. The housekeeping aunt reviews the housekeeping appointment information, and checks the housekeeping company and comments. User s appointment of housekeeping service (2024-06-16, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] 2128

WeChat applet software defect management applet based on WeChat applet+SSM+MySQL (with thesis) (graduation design), WeChat applet software defect management applet based on WeChat applet+SSM+MySQL (with thesis), and WeChat applet software defect management system based on WeChat applet software defect management system has two roles: administrator and user. The administrator function is mainly operated on the browser. The main functions are project type management, user management, defect work management, mobile project management, and system management. Users mainly operate on WeChat applet, can register and log in, can publish defect work and defects of mobile phone projects, and can view announcement information. Therefore, it has certain practicability. The background of the station adopts the SSM framework of Java for background management (2024-06-16, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] 2648

Beauty salon management applet based on SpringBoot+SSM+MySQL+WeChat applet (graduation design), beauty salon management applet based on SpringBoot+SSM+MySQL+WeChat applet, user, administrator role. Personal center, user management, beautician management, beauty project management, user appointment management, cancellation appointment management, order information management, user evaluation management, data statistics management, system management, etc. (2024-06-16, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] poor-assist-main

这是一个基于SpringBoot2.X,VUE2.6,Antd1.7.2,MyBatisPlus,Java1.8 的一个管理系统,具备权限管理,日志管理,扶贫救助金管理,扶贫项目管理,建档立卡等多个功能的系统。 微信号:vice2core
This is a management system based on SpringBoot2. X, VUE2.6, Antd1.7.2, MyBatisPlus, and Java 1.8. It has multiple functions such as permission management, log management, poverty relief fund management, poverty relief project management, filing and card filing. WeChat: vice2core (2023-12-26, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] health-exam-platform

这是一个基于SpringBoot2.X VUE2.6 ElementUI MyBatisPlus Shiro1.5.0 Java1.8 实现的具备系统管理、权限管理、体检机构管理、体检项目管理、体检预约信息管理、小程序轮播图管理功能、小程序用户管理功能多个功能的体检预约系统,适合作为毕业设计以及个人学习。 微信号:vice2core
This is a medical appointment system based on SpringBoot2. X VUE2.6 ElementUI MyBatisPlus Shiro 1.5.0 Java 1.8, which has multiple functions such as system management, authority management, medical examination institution management, medical examination project management, medical examination appointment information management, applet carousel map management, and applet user management. It is suitable for graduation design and personal learning. WeChat: vice2core (2023-12-27, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] skype-dev-bots

Skype bots interact with users in a personal conversation in Skype using chat, voice or video for entertainment, support or commerce. Skype Developer Platform team s mission is to assist developers to build highly engaging Skype bots using Microsoft Bot Framework. To learn more, visit https://dev.skype.com (2023-08-17, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] skype-dev-bots

Skype bots interact with users in a personal conversation in Skype using chat, voice or video for entertainment, support or commerce. Skype Developer Platform team s mission is to assist developers to build highly engaging Skype bots using Microsoft Bot Framework. To learn more, visit https://dev.skype.com (2023-07-07, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] buildingMicroservices

微服务架构学习记录 搭建项目信息系统 项 目 管 理 系统 一起探讨微服架构可以添加我的微信iamcoders,
WeChat service architecture learning record building project information system project management system discussing WeChat service architecture can add my WeChat iamcoders, (2021-03-16, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] weixin

微信小程序demo;原文件使用es6和less编辑,配合gulp进行 项 目 管 理,
WeChat applet demo; The original file is edited with es6 and less, and the project management is carried out with Gulp, (2018-01-04, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] zhao95

阴中阳 自述文件.md 你好,我是阴中阳 IT行业 :iOS程序员、售前架构师、产品经理、 项 目 管 理 。 算术学者 :太乙、奇门、六壬、八字、紫微斗数、八宅、玉函 古学爱好者:释、道、出马、周易、中医、古琴、围棋、兵法、纵横、天文、运筹 武术门外汉:十二谭腿 微信18668...,
Yin Zhongyang Readme. md Hello, I m Yin Zhongyang IT industry: iOS programmer, pre-sales architect, product manager, project management. Arithmeticians: Taiyi, Qimen, Liuren, Bazi, Ziwei Doudou, Bazhai, Yuhan Ancient Learning Enthusiasts: Shi, Dao, Chuma, Zhou Yi, Chinese Medicine, Guqin, Go, Art of War, Zong Zong, Astronomy, Operational Research Martial Arts, layman: Twelve Tanjiao WeChat 18668, (2021-11-24, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] ephemeral-testnet

Resources and project management of Ethereum ephemeral testnet, (2023-06-08, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] Website_MainPage_Design

[莲创印路 官网首页设计] 包含如下:1设计过程,2交付过程,3前后对比,4.优化,5 项 目 工 时,
[Home page design of Lianchuang Yinlu official website] includes: 1 Design process, 2 Delivery process, 3 Comparison before and after, 4 Optimization, 5 Project man hours, (2022-04-27, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] WXDemo

项 目 工 时 管理系统微信小程序demo,
The project man hour management system WeChat applet demo, (2017-04-12, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)
