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[数据库编程] tiaoxingmakaifa

摘要:采用Foxpro2.5T3数据库开发平台开发了一种计算机机房和网吧收费管理系统,该系 统的帐户信h,基」几条形码识别身份,也可以直接键入用户帐户的数码,所需的用户信h,完全山 计算机集中管理。该系统是一种重l从对上机计费、值班人员工作日志与收费情况进行详细记 录,J{含有信任委托技术在内的机房网吧管理收费系统,系统成木低廉、运行速度快、代码紧 凑、功能健全、开发平台简单。
Abstract : using Foxpro2.5T3 database development platform for the development of a computer room and Internet cafes charging management system, The system of accounts letter h- "a few bar code identity, users can directly enter the digital account, the letter h users completely Hill computer centralized management. This is a re-l from the right on the plane billing, log on duty personnel and the toll of detailed records, J (trust entrusted with the technical room Internet cafe management system, the system log into low, running speed, code compact, functional, simple development platform. (2006-12-19, Others, 52KB, 下载8次)
