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[图形图像处理] Sand-Cleaning-Machine

A sand cleaning machine for beaches is designed to remove debris, litter, and other contaminants from sand, ensuring a clean and safe environment. It operates by sifting sand through a series of screens and filters, effectively collecting unwanted materials while preserving the sand. (2024-06-11, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] Ease-Cloud-Music-Website-Development-Based-on-Vue

Vue 是一个用于构建用户应用程序的渐进式框架,被视为易于理解和实现的框架, 它支持纯 HTML 模板,而 React 需要使用 JavaScript 定义来创建 DOM 元素。尽管 与 React 和 Angular 相比,Vue 目前只占据了很小的市场份额,但其受欢迎程度却 在不断提升。Vue 前端开发在当前具有一定的影响力,并且随着时间的推移,它可能 会继续发展和演进。 本设计主要基于 Vue.js 前端框架,使用 Vue.js 的组件化开发和路由功能,构建 了一个具有网易云音乐特色的网站。该网站设计实现了音乐播放、歌单推荐、搜索等 基本功能,为用户提供了良好的音乐体验。
Vue is a progressive framework for building user applications. It is considered to be easy to understand and implement. It supports pure HTML templates, while React needs to use JavaScript definitions to create DOM elements. Although Vue currently only occupies a small market share compared with React and Angular, its popularity is growing. Vue front-end development has a certain influence at present, and it may continue to develop and evolve over time. This design is mainly based on Vue.js front-end framework, and uses Vue.js s component-based development and routing functions to build a website with Netease Cloud Music characteristics. The website is designed to realize the basic functions of music playing, song list recommendation, search, etc., providing users with a good music experience. (2024-04-20, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] Recommendation-Algorithm-Based-on-Knowledge-Graph

A recommendation system based on knowledge graph and Ripple Net recommendation algorithm includes a user front-end interface. (2023-12-17, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] wx-svg

微信小程序 SVG 组件,支持对 SVG 重新着色
WeChat applet SVG component, which supports re coloring SVG (2023-12-12, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] HyperPanCollection

Datasets for Hyperspectral Pansharpening; Deep Learning; CNN, (2023-09-19, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] Embeddings-for-anime-character-NovelAI-s-

主要分享一些自制的动画角色基于Textual inversion(文本逆转) 的Embedding,做着玩玩的,仅供娱乐。,
It mainly shares some self-made animated characters based on the Embedding of Textual inversion, which are just for entertainment., (2023-02-14, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] Alsancak-In-Blender

A recreation of the Alsancak District of zmir in Blender, with accurate heights and satellite textures, (2023-09-17, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] camera

Machine vision camera light learning materials, a full range of, seek for a long time, for everybody to learn each other (2017-01-12, Others, 37344KB, 下载5次)


[图形图像处理] PlagiarismAR

Augmented Reality (AUGMENTEDREALITY, AR) technology is superimposed virtual objects in real video image, and through tracking and registration technology that allows users to interact with their good conduct of a technology. With the deepening of its research, augmented reality technology has been used in many areas began to live entertainment, medical, military and industrial production. Actual situation registered technology is to enhance the reality of one core technology, which calculate in real time the position and direction of the observer, and then determine the two-dimensional image projected location of the virtual object, and finally the virtual object superimposed onto the real-time position so virtual and the real world scene can seamless integration. With the rapid development of computer vision and computer graphics, vision-based registration method and the reality of its equipment is simple, low cost and high precision registration (2016-07-08, Others, 8996KB, 下载5次)


[图形图像处理] Mie3Plot

calculate various wavelength,scatter phase matrix (2012-10-22, Others, 1028KB, 下载18次)


[图形图像处理] MeshLP.tar

To establish Grid Laplacian through discretization manifold Laplacian in a three-dimensional network slightly data (2012-09-21, Others, 1163KB, 下载25次)


[图形图像处理] HKS.tar

Check the three-dimensional network slightly data using thermal diffusion characteristics described (2012-09-21, Others, 877KB, 下载8次)


[图形图像处理] SIFT3

:对传统SIFT算法从特征点提取时间和匹配精度上进行了优化,基于优化算法提取的特征点对构建 三角网进行小面元微分纠正配准。试验结果表明,该方法是一种有效的遥感影像自动配准方法。
: SIFT algorithm from the traditional feature extraction time and matching accuracy, and the optimization, optimization algorithm based on the extracted feature points on the Construction of triangulation using small panel differential corrected registration. The results show that the method is an effective method of automatic registration of remote sensing images. (2010-04-09, Others, 443KB, 下载63次)


[图形图像处理] sift2

提出了一种基于线特征和SIFT点特征的多源遥感影像配准方法。该方法首先匹配待配准影像和参 考影像中的线特征,利用匹配直线构建虚拟角点 其次,针对传统SIFT算法匹配多源遥感影像特征点存在的 不足,采用线特征约束点特征的方法进行SIFT同名点对的提取 最后结合虚拟角点对及SIFT同名点对构建三角网进行小面元微分纠正。
A line-based features and SIFT features multi-point sources of remote sensing image registration. This method first match when matching images and reference images in the line features, using the matching Zhixian construct the virtual corner Secondly, the traditional SIFT algorithm for multi-source remote sensing image matching feature points and its shortcomings, bound with thread features characteristic of the method for point SIFT extraction of the same name points Finally, a virtual corner and SIFT on the same name point to the building triangulation using small panel differential corrected. (2010-04-09, Others, 269KB, 下载80次)


[图形图像处理] Pattern_Recognition_by_Moment_Invariant

.M.K.Hu.发表的关于不变矩的著名文章Pattern Recognition by Moment Invariant,用校园网通过IEEE.Xplore下载,比较珍贵
. MKHu. Published about the same moment a well-known article Pattern Recognition by Moment Invariant, Netcom had used the campus IEEE.Xplore download compare precious (2009-03-25, Others, 819KB, 下载215次)
