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[远程控制/远程桌面] rpiRemoteConf

Basic raspberry configurator for remote desktop connection over ethernet cable. (2024-04-29, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] Raspberry-PI4-OS-installation

Raspberry PI4 OS安装,并通过VNC从笔记本电脑(Windows Mac)访问。VNC将通过腻子“SSH”启用。所需硬件和软件:覆盆子PI4硬件,PI4电源,Micro SD卡,SD卡读取器,以太网电缆,覆盆子PI OS图像文件,成像仪软件,IP扫描仪,Real VNC,腻子
Raspberry PI4 OS installation and access through VNC from Laptop (Windows Mac). VNC will enable through "SSH" by putty. Required hardware and software: Raspberry PI4 Hardware, PI4 Power supply, Micro SD card, SD card reader, Ethernet cable, Raspberry PI OS image file, Imager software, IP scanner, Real VNC, Putty (2024-02-06, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] rpi_gadget_mode

关于在RPi 4和RPi Zero 2W上启用USB(以太网)小工具模式的说明。,
Instructions for enabling USB (ethernet) gadget mode on RPi 4 and RPi Zero 2W., (2023-08-24, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] ubuntu-vnc-xfce-chromium-g3

nas场景使用的vnc镜像,安装了百度云,迅雷,网易云音乐等软件,也可按同样的思路,扩展一个线上的轻办工 开发环境。
The vnc image used in the nas scene is installed with software such as Baidu Cloud, Xunlei, Netease Cloud Music, etc. It can also expand an online light work development environment according to the same idea. (2021-03-07, Others, 5KB, 下载0次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] weiwang

微网存在两种典型的运行模式:离网模式和并网模式。同时,两种模式之间的切换也应该实现无缝切换。考虑 到采用主从控制以实现无环流的微网中主变换器在微网中的重要地位,本文采用V/f电压控制做为离网时变换器控制方法, 通过逐步调整变换器输出电压使其跟随电网电压实现离网到并网的无缝切换;
There are two typical micro-grid operation modes: off-grid and grid mode mode. At the same time, switching between the two modes should also seamlessly switch. Taking into account the use of master-slave control in order to achieve free circulation piconet master converter important role in the micro-network, we use V/f voltage control as when the network from the inverter control method, through the gradual adjustment of the converter output voltage to it follows the grid voltage to achieve off-grid and seamless network switching (2014-03-20, Others, 236KB, 下载38次)
