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[其他书籍] cool3d

包括:视窗画面说明 输入文字 改变文字样式 移动、旋转文字 套用样式库 改变背景 立体样式 色彩与光源 贴材质 摄影机 制作动画 输出图档
Including: window screen to enter text to change the text style move, rotate the text to apply the Treasury to change the background of three-dimensional style style color and light texture paste animation camera output image (2008-12-11, MultiPlatform, 535KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] net_transport

and outside the data transmission network usage, in a relatively small number of companies operating within! (2007-02-15, MultiPlatform, 136KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] IP网络电话技术

通信工程丛书--IP网络电话技术 本书系统全面介绍了IP网络电话的系统原理、协议标准、实现技术、组网方式及其未来发展动向。
Communication Engineering Series-- IP telephony book systematically describes the IP network telephone system principle, standard, technology, the software and its future development trends. (2005-11-29, MultiPlatform, 10134KB, 下载118次)
