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[企业管理] Wechat-security-leak

On 1 october Wechat starts new offer named "WeRefer". In this offer the wechat user has to request an unique url from wechat and they will provide you your unique url (ex : http://wecht.in/hqqvs). If you send this url to your friend who has not yet join wechat get register his number and download it from your url and then sends a message to you ... (2015-10-31, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] CTIsoft

欢迎使用读吧.net书网程序。更多详情请参阅www.read8.net。 此站是基于PHP+ mysql构架,程序稳定安全,特别适合中大小各种书网建站。而且拥有 vip高级用户功能,对于盈利之用的书网也非常适合。
welcomed the use of reading it. Net book net procedures. More details, please refer to www.read8.net. This site is based on PHP mysql framework, stable security procedures, particularly suitable for the size of various books establishment of the station network. But have vip Premium functions, the profit on the network is well-suited. (2006-07-07, C++, 379KB, 下载4次)
