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[医药行业] FindPath

寻径问题: 给定n个村庄之间的交通图,若村庄i和村庄j之间有道路,则将顶点i和顶点j用边连接,边上的权Wij 表示这条道路的长度。现在要从这n个村庄选择一个村庄建一所医院,问这所医院应建在哪个村庄,才能使离医院最远的村庄到医院的距离最短? 实现的功能: 1.自动生成数据; 2.自动生成字符串; 3.显示矩阵图; 4.非法输入的判断; 5.重复输入现有的相同数据的判断; 6.动态生成一维数组,二维数组; 7.数组内数值的比较以及输出; 8.查找标示符在数组中的位置以及输出; 9.创建网; 10.查找网内的数值以及对数值的处理;
Routing problem: given n villages between traffic map, if i have a road between the village and the village j, then the vertex i and j vertices connected by edges, Wij represents the length of the right side of this road. N from these villages now choose a village to build a hospital, ask the hospital to be built in the village which, in order to make the village furthest from the hospital to the shortest distance from the hospital? Realize functions: 1 automatically generated data 2 automatically generated string 3 shows the matrix 4 judgment entered illegally 5 to repeatedly enter the same data available to determine 6 dynamically generated one-dimensional array. .. .. two-dimensional array 7 compares the values ​ ​ within the array, and output 8 lookup identifier and the location in the array output 9 to create network 10 Find the value within the network as well as the value of the deal (2013-12-16, C++, 4KB, 下载2次)
