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[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] BesLyric-for-X

BesLyric-for-X 是一款操作简单、功能实用的歌词制作软件。我们开发此软件的目的是为了为广大网易云音乐云村村民提供一个良好的歌词制作体验。
BesLyric-for-X is a song lyrics production software with simple operation and practical functions. The purpose of developing this software is to provide a good lyric production experience for the majority of NetEase Cloud Music Village villagers. (2022-09-05, C++, 2541KB, 下载0次)


[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] butterfly-rtsp

两个以太网rtsp摄像头+一个usb mjpeg-yuv-h264 rtsp摄像头+1个alsa音频捕获
two ethernet rtsp cameras + one usb mjpeg-yuv-h264 rtsp camera + one alsa audio capture (2019-08-07, C++, 1035KB, 下载0次)
