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按分类查找All 教育系统应用(4) 
按平台查找All SQL(4) 

[教育系统应用] aspjiaoshiguanli

The positioning the education network line development system of the teachers file management system, the applicability of the current school site, and enhance the relevance and ease of use of the system, the system to support online print, and export the online spreadsheet module, multi-account privileges assigned suitable created in primary and secondary schools, schools and universities, technical schools to use as a free version of the system and does not charge any fees, can be used directly. (2013-04-01, SQL, 922KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] Campus-network

用的dreamweaver Access、SQLserver2000、和Oracle 做的毕业设计 校园网 ,内含源码,开题报告,论文
Use dreamweaver Access, SQLserver2000, and Oracle do graduation design campus network, embedded code, the dissertation proposal, paper (2012-05-08, SQL, 1532KB, 下载4次)


[教育系统应用] courses

/*(2)连接查询实验 1) 在学生选课库中实现其数据连接查询操作。 ① 查询每个学生的情况以及他(她)所选修的课程 ② 求学生的学号、姓名、选修的课程及成绩 ③ 求选修课程10001且成绩在90分以上的学生学号、姓名及成绩 ④ 查询每一门课的间接先行课(即先行课的先行课)
/* (2) join query in Experiment 1) in the student enrollment database query operation to achieve its data connection. ① check each student' s situation and his (her) students seeking elective courses ② school number, name, elective courses and the results ③ seeking elective courses 10001 and results in more than 90 students in student number, name and achievements ④ check first lesson of each class of indirect (ie first course first course) (2010-06-02, SQL, 2KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] ITMS

From teaching resource network, including teachers and students to download, resource sharing, online learning (2010-05-17, SQL, 8262KB, 下载21次)
