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[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] PRML-reference

机器学习和模式识别经典书籍答案 官网下载 高清
Machine learning and pattern recognition classic books answer (2014-09-03, PDF, 23059KB, 下载11次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] PCA-BP

Ground Fault diagnosis algorithm PCA-BP neural network (2014-04-11, PDF, 297KB, 下载16次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] gfsdgfsds

:文中提出一种改进的Pso优化算法,并将该算法应 用于水轮发电机组PID调速器参数的优化设计,以水轮发 电机组转速偏差的ITAE指标作为改进PsO优化算法的适应 度函数。以我国某水电站的真实数据对经过优化后的PID 拄制规律进行计算机仿真。仿真结果表明利用改进Ps0优 化算法优化的PID控制规律能有效改善孤网运行条件下水 轮机调节系统过渡过程的动态性能。
An improved PSO algo—fhm wa‘presented and applicd to 叩timal the pⅢ gains tuning of hydrau¨c turbogenera【ors speed govemor The ITAE criterion of hydraulic㈨№generators 8peed errors was taken as the ntness function of the improved PS0 alg甜mm The digital sirnulatlon result8 perf0删ed on an acmal hydropower pl蜘t ln Chjna 1ndkate山at the PID coⅡtr01 Iaw optimised by the improved PS0 algoritllm can effectively imProve the dynamic perfonnance of hydraulic transiems with fast response and s订ong rObusmess especiany On ls01a【ed operation condidons (2012-12-22, PDF, 317KB, 下载29次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] paper1

Based the cutset wireless ribbon sensor network distributed life prediction algorithm. Pdf (2012-08-19, PDF, 304KB, 下载3次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Copy-Detection

Use sampling frame column vector of the PCA coefficients as each frame features (in principle, can also use other types of key-frame features), multi-frame features constitute the feature vector, the posterior probability of the Gaussian probability model to measure the similarity,and the establishment of the index of the k-dimensional tree structure search, to noise, blur, compression, Logo, its combination of two of these transformation experiments (dropped frames rarely), very fast, suitable for largescale internet video search. (2012-02-24, PDF, 515KB, 下载8次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] 14

采用时序分析和BP神经网络,建立了基于时序-神经网络的车辆变速器齿轮故障诊断系统。通过对车辆变速器齿轮运行状态特征信号进行时序分析和特征向量提取,并以此作为BP神经网络的输入向量进行网 络训练,从而实现变速器齿轮运行状态的识别与故障诊断。该系统应用于LC5T81变速器齿轮的故障诊断中,能 够比较准确地识别与诊断出变速器齿轮的跑合运行状态、磨损运行状态和故障运行状态。验证表明该诊断系统有 效、可行。
Based on time series analysis and BP neural networks, a fault diagnosis system is built for ve- hicle transmission gears. By time series analysis and eigenvectors extraction on operation status signals of trans- mission gears, which are taken as inputs for neural network training, the operation status identification and fault diagnosis for transmission gears are realized. In a fault diagnosis on the gears of a real transmission, the system can accurately identify the operation status (running in, worn or fault). The result shows that the system is ef- fective and feasible. (2012-02-02, PDF, 56KB, 下载2次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] 13

采用时序分析和BP神经网络,建立了基于时序-神经网络的车辆变速器齿轮故障诊断系统。通过对车辆变速器齿轮运行状态特征信号进行时序分析和特征向量提取,并以此作为BP神经网络的输入向量进行网 络训练,从而实现变速器齿轮运行状态的识别与故障诊断。该系统应用于LC5T81变速器齿轮的故障诊断中,能 够比较准确地识别与诊断出变速器齿轮的跑合运行状态、磨损运行状态和故障运行状态。验证表明该诊断系统有 效、可行。
Based on time series analysis and BP neural networks, a fault diagnosis system is built for ve- hicle transmission gears. By time series analysis and eigenvectors extraction on operation status signals of trans- mission gears, which are taken as inputs for neural network training, the operation status identification and fault diagnosis for transmission gears are realized. In a fault diagnosis on the gears of a real transmission, the system can accurately identify the operation status (running in, worn or fault). The result shows that the system is ef- fective and feasible. (2012-02-02, PDF, 45KB, 下载4次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] 11

采用时序分析和BP神经网络,建立了基于时序-神经网络的车辆变速器齿轮故障诊断系统。通过 对车辆变速器齿轮运行状态特征信号进行时序分析和特征向量提取,并以此作为BP神经网络的输入向量进行网 络训练,从而实现变速器齿轮运行状态的识别与故障诊断。该系统应用于LC5T81变速器齿轮的故障诊断中,能 够比较准确地识别与诊断出变速器齿轮的跑合运行状态、磨损运行状态和故障运行状态。验证表明该诊断系统有 效、可行。
Fault Diagnosis of Vehicle Transmission Gear Based on Time Series Analysis and Neural Networks Yin Andong & Yang Zhengmin School of Mechanical and Automobile Engineering,Hefei University of Technology,Hefei230009   [Abstract] Based on time series analysis and BP neural networks, a fault diagnosis system is built for ve- hicle transmission gears. By time series analysis and eigenvectors extraction on operation status signals of trans- mission gears, which are taken as inputs for neural network training, the operation status identification and fault diagnosis for transmission gears are realized. In a fault diagnosis on the gears of a real transmission, the system can accurately identify the operation status (running in, worn or fault). The result shows that the system is ef- fective and feasible. (2012-02-02, PDF, 37KB, 下载5次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Rule-Expert-Knowledge

This paper presents a novel inference mechanism to determine appropriate switching operations by the rule-expert knowledge-based Petri net (RKPN) approach. A practical distribution system with 26 feeders is specified to reveal the effectiveness of the developed methodology with computer simulations. The proposed inference mechanism can successfully solve feeder overload/fault contingency based on the load variations resulting from temperature rises. (2011-03-09, PDF, 652KB, 下载3次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] CPN

By cpn (on mass neural network) to achieve self-learning fuzzy controller (2010-10-13, PDF, 258KB, 下载5次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Bayesian_Networks

贝叶斯网引论,中文版。作者:张连文 郭海鹏。贝叶斯网是将概率、统计应用于复杂系统的不确定性推理和数据分析 的一种有效工具。
An Introduction to Bayesian Networks (in Chinese). Author: Zhang Lian-wen, Guo Hai-peng. (2010-04-03, PDF, 30365KB, 下载230次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] 103

Timetable on the automatic genetic algorithm in detail. Want to be helpful (2009-05-25, PDF, 147KB, 下载16次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] reaing_machine_swrl

本体推理是语义网研究的一个热点问题,目前大多数查询系统都是专家系统,但在 专家系统中,知识的表现形式都存在各种不足,本文在借鉴原有专家系统优点的基础之上, 介绍了一个基于SWRL 推理机制的框架,它弥补了专家系统中的不足之处,解决了以往的 本体不能表示“if...then...”这样句式规则的缺点,另外利用本体技术使我们的系统在其它类似 的系统中可以重复使用。
Ontology inference is a hot issue in the studies of Semantic Web. At present, Most inquiry systems are all expert systems, but there are various deficiencies in expression forms of expert systems knowledge. In this paper, on the basis of referring to the advantages of original expert systems, a framework of SWRL-based reasoning mechanism is introduced. It makes up for the deficiency of expert systems and solve the shortcoming that the original ontology can not express the rule sentences such as”if... then ...”. In addition, our systems can be used repeatedly in other similar systems by the ontology technology. (2009-03-15, PDF, 264KB, 下载53次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] BP

文章详细论述了利用MATLAB 神经网络工具箱设计BP 网络的方法和步骤。根据需要调用相关程序,从而避免了 编写复杂而庞大的算法程序
Article discusses in detail the use of MATLAB neural network toolbox BP network design methods and steps. According to the need for call-related procedures, thereby avoiding the complexity and size of the preparation process of the algorithm (2008-07-15, PDF, 1287KB, 下载76次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] 3DVisualizaionLargeDEM

 提出基于格网划分的实时LOD 分层方法, 该方法基于DEM 和影像数据固有的栅格特点, 使用简单的几何算法即可实现DEM 数据的动态分层, 计算量小, 可实现对大数据集DEM 数据的实时漫游.
Grid based on the division of real-time LOD stratification method based on DEM and raster image data inherent characteristics, the use of simple geometric algorithm can be realized DEM data dynamic layering, a small amount of calculation can be realized for large data sets DEM data in real-time roaming. (2007-12-20, PDF, 345KB, 下载43次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] yucekongxzhi

一种改进的神经网络非线性预测控制 这方面的文章虽然不少,但写的好的没有几篇
An improved neural network nonlinear predictive control in this area despite the fact that many of the article, but did not write a good few (2007-12-17, PDF, 444KB, 下载249次)
