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[系统编程] mima

1. 教你将秘密隐藏图片中[教材] 2. 一招绝技破解所有电脑的开机密码 3.. 不怕网管封 轻松修改网卡MAC地址 4.巧用网页实现万能解锁注册表方法 5.网站加密也没用 我想复制就复制 6.教你30秒钟破解所有密码 7. 无线上网不花钱的四招绝技
Teach you the secrets hidden picture [textbook]. Stunt a move to crack all the computer' s boot password .. the not afraid Webmaster seal easily modify NIC MAC address. Clever use of the Web to achieve universal unlock registry method 5 website encryption the four strokes stunt useless I also want to copy to copy 6. teach you 30 seconds to crack all passwords 7 wireless Internet access at no cost (2012-11-25, WORD, 14KB, 下载8次)


[系统编程] The_explain_docment_of_uCOSII_related_funcations

Do not know procedures for the joint development of open network environment Why not fill it uC/OS this? Well, I started to introduce a document of this. This is introduced in the uC/OS-II of the two documents under the program, I had packed them. We write uC/OS-II related to the code when necessary to use a number of related functions, while the realization of the main code in a number of indicators but also the definition of variables, as well as what many other areas of the stack, and this document has two speakers to these, there is a need to down under friends can use, free of charge. (2009-06-13, WORD, 78KB, 下载2次)
