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[行业发展研究] xiaoyuanwangdezujianyushisifangan

西安航空职业技术学院,为了紧追时代步伐,发展与校际互联、静态资源共享、动态信息发布、远程教学和协作工作的阶段,发展对学校教育现代化的建设,决定建设自己的校园网,争取尽早实现教育信息化。校园网建成后,将计算机引入教学各个环节,从而可以引起教学方法、教学手段、教学工具的重大革新。对提高教学质量,推动我国教育现代化的发展起着不可估量的作用。网络又为学校的管理者和老师提供了获取资源、协同工作的有效途径。校园网将会是学校提高管理水平、工作效率、改善教学质量的有力手段,也就是解决信息时代教育问题的基本工具。 通过对学校信息化建设专业人员沟通,了解到校园宽带网用户集中且网络流量大,关注网络的可运营和可管理特性,校园网建网需求如下: 1、教学区、宿舍区用户对校园网、教育网、INTERNET的访问有相应的路由策略。 2、校园网 存在 多个出 口需 求,校 园网 至少要 提供 中国教 育科 研网( CERNET )和 INTERNET两个出口。
Xi an Aeronautical Polytechnic Institute, in order to hot pursuit of the pace of the times, the development and inter-school connectivity, static resource sharing and dynamic information dissemination, distance learning and collaborative work in the stage of development the construction of the modernization of school education, decided to build their own campus network, and striveeducation information as soon as possible. After the completion of the campus network, the introduction of the computer all aspects of teaching, which can cause the teaching methods, teaching methods, the major innovation of the teaching tool. To improve the quality of teaching and promoting the development of China s modernization of education played an invaluable role. Network for school administrators and teachers access to resources, an effective way to work together. The campus network will be the schools to improve the level of management, work efficiency, a powerful means of improving the quality of tea (2012-06-10, WORD, 228KB, 下载3次)


[行业发展研究] wenjian

The difference between traditional circuit-switched network and softswitch network, softswitch technology, the evolution of soft-switched telephone network direction, (2012-04-12, WORD, 6KB, 下载5次)


[行业发展研究] 802.16WiMAX

In this paper, the problem for Gateway 802.16/WiMAX group discussed key technology and analysis, networking and prospect analysis program (2011-04-12, WORD, 146KB, 下载2次)


[行业发展研究] jiyucontrolNetkongzhirangdezhuangpeiliushuixianjia

On the Rockwell motion console, with 2 ControlLogix controllers connected on ControlNet network, and using Rockwell software to configure network, program ladder diagram and configure HIM, control and monitor of assembly line are realized. (2009-09-11, WORD, 5KB, 下载2次)
