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[matlab编程] demand-information-network

Urban supply and demand information network is divided into front and back design, front main achievement of the displayed information, search and publishing. Which displays information including a list of displays and display details, but the list is displayed, the information is divided into the home side s display list, a list of all the categories of information under the display and view a list of search results display Search functions include positioning search and fuzzy search the main function of the background information display, information auditing, information deleted, pay setting and exit the registry, which is also divided into the information display function displays detailed contents list display. (2014-02-24, JavaScript, 4279KB, 下载2次)


[matlab编程] a

想必大家对星空极速痛恨有加,至于危害也不必多说,下面的方法100 有效,而且不限地区,全国通用.解除后可以用XP自代程序拨号,可多机上网.
Everyone must have hated the Star has added speed, as to harm do not have to say, the following method 100 effective, but not limited to, regional, national general. The lifting procedure can be used XP since the generation of dial-up, can be multi-machine online. (2009-11-30, JavaScript, 2KB, 下载4次)
