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[搜索引擎] mytravel

Travel search engine. Room reservation. Fun entertaining stays. (2024-01-24, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] elastic-tool

Elasticsearch Commander Tool, (2017-01-26, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] Case-Retriever

Class case retrieval system based on elastic search+django+bootstrap. At this stage, it can only be accessed from the RUC campus network., (2023-03-03, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] soufun-master

The actual source code of Soufun based on Elastic Search, (2018-11-27, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] solr-node-client

使用node-client连接solr ,并爬取搜房网数据,
Connect solr with node client and crawl the data of Soufun, (2020-09-04, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] seo_business_website

Built a multi-page business website using React, prioritizing on-page SEO for improved search engine ranking. Integrated Google Analytics to track user engagement and conversions, facilitating data-driven insights for effective online strategies. (2023-08-23, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] wgxzs

The online shopping assistant is a professional online shopping search engine, which can search Taobao, Jingdong Dangdang and other shopping malls at the same time (2013-05-15, JavaScript, 3KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] News-Detector

The news search engine automatically crawls all major news portals on a regular basis, and provides search functions to give feedback on the popularity and freshness of search topics (keywords), and return all the news that can be found. (such as Sina News, NetEase News, etc., or an authoritative website in a vertical field, such as Snowball Finance, Oriental Fortune, etc. in the economic field, or Tencent Sports in the sports field (2022-12-12, JavaScript, 106921KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] leyou

The microservice mall selects the full set of components of SpringCloud, the distributed authorization center uses JWT combined with asymmetric keys, uses FDFS as the image server, integrates WeChat payment, ES provides search services, and uses rabbitmq to notify ES to operate the commodity data index and generate a static page (hymeleaf template engine (2022-12-09, JavaScript, 16109KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] wechat_scraper

A simple data scraper for WeChat articles of specific keywords searched via Sogou Search Engine (2017-01-08, JavaScript, 18KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] TrackMeNot

An artware browser add-on to protect privacy in web-search. By issuing randomized queries to common search-engines, TrackMeNot obfuscates your search profile(s) and registers your discontent with surreptitious tracking. (2022-04-23, JavaScript, 121KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] datascraper_zh

DataScraper是网页信息提取(抽取)工具箱MetaSeeker中的一个工具,可以提取任何网站,为一个网站定制提取规则时不用编程,操作GUI,规则自动生成。适合做 1. 垂直搜索(或称为专业搜索)服务 2. 信息汇聚和门户服务 3. Mashup服务 4. 企业网信息汇聚 5. 商业情报采集 6. 论坛或博客迁移 7. 智能信息代理 8. 个人信息检索 9. 信息挖掘 有多个版本可以共享下载,下载完整工具箱,请访问:http://www.gooseeker.com 用此工具制作的威客项目搜索参见:http://www.metaseeker.cn/projectsearch/home.htm
MetaSeeker is just this kind of toolkit for defining data schema and extracting structured data from the Web. MetaSeeker provide convenient methods to define schemas of Web pages, to generate wrappers without coding, to extract data effectively. It is a differentiated feature that all above are done in a distributed environment and in a collaborative manner. MetaSeeker is a valuable toolkit for personals or enterprises who are going to provide the following services: 1. vertical search engines (or called as professional search engines) 2. information aggregation portals 3. Mashup services 4. intelligent agents 5. personalized information retrieval systems 6. information mining facilities Please go to download the whole toolkit: http://www.gooseeker.com (2009-07-14, JavaScript, 145KB, 下载126次)
