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按分类查找All CA认证(9) 
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[CA认证] socket2ws

一个node写的协议中转器,将Socket连接转换为Websocket链接。 适用于MUD游戏类应用,可以直接转成h5可用的websocket,并在其上进行后续二次开发。 后续将增加ssl支持,便于微信小程序使用。
A protocol relay written by a node, which converts socket connections into Web socket links. It is suitable for MUD game applications, and can be directly converted into websockets available in h5, on which subsequent secondary development can be carried out. Later, ssl support will be added to facilitate the use of WeChat applet. (2020-03-20, JavaScript, 4KB, 下载0次)


[CA认证] cardcognition

MTG Commander Deck Optimization Engine - CardCognition.com (2023-06-15, JavaScript, 29046KB, 下载0次)


[CA认证] wordpress_wechat_xiaochengxu

This is a WeChat applet for WordPress. You can configure the ssl certificate of WordPress, set a fixed link, install plug-ins, upgrade the version of WordPress, and meet the requirements of the WeChat applet. You can see the work of the Great God of Watching Pavilion, which is very clear. (2018-01-16, JavaScript, 463KB, 下载0次)


[CA认证] kontrola

A script that uses nmap to sweep a subnet looking for ports with SSL certs, then querying those certs to discover upcoming expiration dates. (2019-01-10, JavaScript, 1410KB, 下载0次)


[CA认证] weixin-login

The perfect version of the open platform does not jump to WeChat login, and the frame data is processed into pictures or Base64 picture data and returned to the client for code scanning. Solve the problem that the open.weixin.qq.com Tencent SSL certificate in Chrome 70 is not trusted, and solve the problem that the frame in Chrome 68 is blocked across domains. (2023-03-12, JavaScript, 6KB, 下载0次)


[CA认证] wm-samll-application

This is a simple example of WeChat applet (2019-09-10, JavaScript, 689KB, 下载0次)


[CA认证] wechat-samll-app

WeChat applet (2017-04-19, JavaScript, 720KB, 下载0次)


[CA认证] wechat_samll_app-

Obtain database data by calling the interface provided by the python server, and display it in WeChat applet (2018-07-03, JavaScript, 6KB, 下载0次)


[CA认证] bar

CA认证,即电子认证服务 [1] ,是指为电子签名相关各方提供真实性、可靠性验证的活动。 证书颁发机构(CA, Certificate Authority)即颁发数字证书的机构。是负责发放和管理数字证书的权威机构,并作为电子商务交易中受信任的第三方,承担公钥体系中公钥的合法性检验的责任。
CA authentication, i.e. electronic authentication service [1], refers to the activity of providing authenticity and reliability verification for all parties related to electronic signature. Ca (certificate authority) is the authority that issues digital certificates. It is the authority responsible for issuing and managing digital certificates, and as a trusted third party in e-commerce transactions, it is responsible for the legality test of the public key in the public key system. (2020-06-02, JavaScript, 13KB, 下载0次)
