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[医药行业] zyy.com.zyjkgl

Health records management system based on the development of WeChat, the user can log in through the WeChat, and see their own application in the hospital health examination information the system created rule base (in the initial stage, just write a few, will be updated slowly) According to the user s physical examination data analysis of the general symptoms of the user, and further through the user self-diagnosis, to determine the user classification of the disease. Further give treatment health advice. End of classroom learning, practice handwriting, there are many deficiencies, hope you to the point of Daniel. (2017-02-10, ASP, 19505KB, 下载21次)


[医药行业] dtgq

中国山药网源码 演示地址:http://www.shanyaowang.com/business 后台地址:admin/admin.asp 密码:369369 密码修改地址:admin/adsel.asp将if request("pass")="369369" then中的369369修改成你的密码便可
demonstration network source address : http :// www.shanyaowang.com/business background Address : admin/admin.asp Password : 369369 Password changes address : admin/adsel.asp will if request ( "pass") = "36936 9, "then the 369,369 revise your password can be (2006-08-23, ASP, 331KB, 下载12次)
