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[行业发展研究] sanquanLogistics

物流行业的人工管理早已不再适应企业发展的要求,利用计算机网络对企业运营流程进行全方位的管理迫在眉睫。通过计算机网络对企业进行管理,不仅为企业的运营过程节省了大量的人力、物力、财力和时间,提高企业的效率,还为企业在客户群中树立了一个全新的形象,为企业日后发展奠定一个良好的基础。 本物流信息网分为前台和后台两个部分进行设计。前台主要用于客户浏览站内信息,并了解本公司和物流行业的相关信息信息;后台主要用于管理员对管理员信息、公司简介、仓库服务、运输服务、配送服务、运单管理、新闻管理、招聘信息、分公司管理、联系我们等模块的管理。
Manual management of the logistics industry is no longer adapted to the requirements of enterprise development, use of computer networks to a full range of business operations process management imminent. Through the computer network of the enterprise, not only a lot of manpower, material, financial and time savings for business operations, increase efficiency, but also for enterprises in the customer base to set up a whole new image for the future development of enterprises laid a good foundation. Logistics information network is divided into two parts of the foreground and background design. Front is mainly used for customers to browse information and understanding of the company and the logistics industry information background is mainly used for administrator administrator information, company profile, warehouse services, transportation services, distribution services, consignment management, information management Jobs, branch management, contact management we wait module. (2012-07-13, ASP, 1546KB, 下载3次)
