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[搜索引擎] followtop

Universal super search engine is China s only completely free super search engine commercial version of the system, the program contains all the official search for files, do not call the official search results. By statistics, the country has more than 30,000 sites and more than 5000 cafes are using this program. And some Web sites and Internet cafe owners have more than 1000 yuan one-day income. (2016-05-20, ASP, 908KB, 下载2次)


[搜索引擎] xinhua-1.6

Xinhua Dictionary online word search network (hifang.net) provide query gadget can be used for various websites, root directories, subdirectories can be used! In the search box enter a query characters, click search, you can find the corresponding Chinese characters pinyin, radical, stroke, notes, references. (2016-05-19, ASP, 2619KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] Alexa1.0

Kai studio netizens produced life, entertainment, tools applications. Alexa is a specialized release website ranking sites. In search engine started Alexa was founded in April 1996 (USA), the purpose is to make the Internet users in the virtual world to share resources, more involved in the organization of Internet resources. (2016-05-17, ASP, 33KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] mybusc3.3pro

Mab search engine is based on a system developed by ASP, a powerful search system, this system features high speed, small footprint server resources to expand the powerful, can quickly and easily build your search engine. To celebrate the gifted officially launched the station directory, search engine Mab Professional Edition for the first time publicly. Mab Mab network and search engine optimization station directory kernel, can be made strong. (2016-05-16, ASP, 132KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] shuami

耍米网域名展示系统终结版(以后不再发布基于此系统程序),此版本为商业版无任何功能限制,同时赠送耍米网删除域名搜索工具。 耍米网域名展示系统终结版 更新内容: 1、首页增加了PR查询链接 2、域名详细页面标题显示域名,便于收录 3、增加了百度、谷歌收录查询,PR值查询,域名备案状况查询
Domain name system meters show playing the final version (Do not release systems based on this program), this version of the commercial version has no functional limitations, while giving play meter net deleted domain search tool. Domain name system meters show playing the final version update: 1 Home increasing the PR query links 2, domain details page title displays the domain name, for easy inclusion 3, an increase of Baidu, Google included queries, PR value of query domain name record status inquiry (2016-05-14, ASP, 1069KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] feile5.0

Feile thief asp net Nora movie version without any background light and easy, fast, no update, not the space, and other functions are included fast search engine. (2016-05-14, ASP, 521KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] zhizhu

Bar bird netting search engine spiders crawling monitoring system, in fact, this version is also online research income, why want to continue with this, because it is quite simple and clear, there is nothing to say. (2016-05-09, ASP, 9KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] mybusc_v3.3pro

Mab search engine is based on a system developed by ASP, a powerful search system, this system features high speed, small footprint server resources to expand the powerful, can quickly and easily build your search engine. To celebrate the gifted officially launched the station directory, search engine Mab Professional Edition for the first time publicly. Mab Mab network and search engine optimization station directory kernel, can be made strong. (2016-05-04, ASP, 137KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] 173158

1. 20个功能,文件压缩后只有20KB,小巧实用。 2. 全部20个功能功能直接获取官网数据,不采集第三方数据。 3. 域名自动提取三级以内域名后查询。 4. 保留以往查询记录,方便搜索引擎收录。 5. 代码全部是.asp。在发布此源码时候全部功能正常。
1.20 function only 20KB, compact utility after file compression. 2. All 20 functional features direct access to the official website of the data, not third-party data collection. 3. After the domain name within the domain automatically extracted three queries. 4. Leave the previous query records to facilitate the search engines. 5. Code all .asp. In publishing the source code when all functions properly. (2016-04-28, ASP, 21KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] yqhtml

网趣网上购物系统HTML静态版 V2009强势推出!系统采用先进的AJAX技术与XML技术相融生成静态,速度更快!管理也更为轻松!软件代码多重过滤结合强大的SEO优化可以快速被搜索引擎收录,独特的静态生成算法可以大大减轻服务器的负担,无论在生成速度还是安全方面都达到国内领先水平。
Net interest online shopping system HTML static version V2009 launched a strong! The system uses advanced AJAX technology and XML technology to generate static blending, faster! Management is also easier! The software codes multiple filters combined with the powerful SEO optimization can be quickly indexed by search engines, a unique static generation algorithm can greatly reduce the burden on the server, both in generating speed or safety aspects of the leading domestic level. (2016-04-25, ASP, 5129KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] cnk2008

1.任意添加频道/栏目及下级栏目 2.各种频道/栏目菜单显示风格,可显示多级弹出级联菜单 3.多种产品级别显示风格菜单,产品级别可无限级层分类 4.方便变换风格,更利于搜索引擎的搜索 5.有各行业风格、韩国风格、欧美风格等提供选择(在官方网选择)
1. Add any channel/column and lower sections 2. Various channels/section menu display style, display the pop-up multi-level cascading menu 3. A variety of menu display style product level, product level unlimited level layer classification 4. easy to change styles, more conducive to search engine 5. Have the industry style, Korean style, European style, and provide choice (choice in the official website) (2016-04-25, ASP, 1191KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] idcc

查查IDC是目前正在开发中的程序,完全参照中文引擎百度模式,目前版本为1.0,在后续的版本中, 我们会加大更多的功能。本程序仅仅为学习娱乐用途。在下一版本中我们会增加如下功能: 1.按满意度分类. 2.随机推广竟价. 3.搜索TOP排行榜 4.连接报错 5. 快照等更多一切功能.
Look IDC is currently under development program, strictly in accordance with Chinese engine Baidu mode, the current version is 1.0, and in subsequent versions, We will increase more. This procedure is only learning and entertainment purposes. In the next version, we will add the following features: 1. Press satisfaction category. 2. Random promote price competition. 3. Search TOP ranking 4. 5. Everything connected being given more snapshots. (2016-04-24, ASP, 69KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] xinyicms-(1)

Xin Yi fashion video graphics collection and management system V1.0, is a well-informed network technology and software developed jointly Yan Yi Web site management system, in addition to a sleek, perfect basic functions, the most important is the inclusion of the latest video, graphics capture function and the whole station pseudo-static, DIV+ CSS full production, search engine friendly! (2016-04-21, ASP, 1919KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] seosite

SeoShop store system-wide Station pure static html generate more consistent search engine optimization, and modifying the previous many js code, cancel the connection address js code to replace the pure div+ css format and all files can be customized url and file name, custom internal connection, custom external connections, such as more in line with SEO search engine optimization settings to make your shop easier for search engines. (2016-04-19, ASP, 896KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] yy2014tiankesousuo

YY2014天客网全能搜源码适合做便民类搜索引擎 具体操作看压缩文件中的说明,将源码上传至空间根目录即可,可以自由修改
YY2014 days of the web search source network universal search engine suitable for the convenience of the search engine See the specific operation of the compressed file, the source code uploaded to the root directory can be free to modify (2015-12-29, ASP, 119KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] ssyx_v1.1

Privilege to network search home page, to repair a large number of invalid search engine interface, to increase the user experience, at the bottom of the page to increase the common query and online tools and other links. The first submission, hoped you can accept. (2015-09-12, ASP, 68KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] followtop_v9.3

搜索天下超级搜索引擎是中国唯一完全免费且也是目前中国最强大的超级搜索引擎商业版系统,程序包含官方全部搜索文件,完全不调用官方搜索结果。 经数据统计,全国已超过30000个网站和超过5000家网吧正在使用本程序。 而且有部分网站和网吧的管理员已经超过1000元1天的收入了。
Search the world super search engine is the only Chinese completely free and is currently China s most powerful super search engine commercial version of the system, the program includes all of the search of official documents and did not call the official search results. By the statistics, the country has more than 30,000 sites and more than 5,000 Internet cafes are using this program. And there are some Web sites and Internet cafes administrator has more than 1000 yuan one day s income. (2014-08-27, ASP, 903KB, 下载5次)


[搜索引擎] Rain

use for ZQZ (2014-07-04, ASP, 1061KB, 下载4次)


[搜索引擎] Music

音乐搜索网 连接哑虎搜索引擎音乐搜索网,个人测试过,没有问题。没有任何漏洞,请放心使用
Music Search Network Connection dumb tiger music search engines search network, the individual tested, there is no problem. There are no loopholes, please rest assured that the use of (2009-04-24, ASP, 139KB, 下载3次)


[搜索引擎] cn700-so

ReadyGo almighty search engine-- a net in hand, grasp the world-wide integration of the major search engines, Optimization of keywords, the user experience better. Complimentary entire source. Quite (2006-11-27, ASP, 99KB, 下载54次)
