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[界面编程] Metroweixin

Metro interface style WeChat website template is a suitable site for companies to use mobile phone website template end mobile phones, tablet computers and other displays. Only page template, with background music, menu squares, about us, News, Products, success stories, Download Center, Team, Careers, Contact Us, Feedback and other columns menu (2016-06-04, ASP, 1339KB, 下载2次)


[界面编程] SHUIL

Water wolf Tiancun ve downloaded the source is a combination of multi-network ve developed a code layout practicality forum, with martial, rank, prestige, etc., can be multi-level forum, the interface between two grid partition, noble refreshing, senior post way, stable, free space for general use less CPU usage, no special space, stock, online music and other entertainment features, this free software release, providing a permanent upgrade, upgrade to Join (2016-04-20, ASP, 9412KB, 下载2次)


[界面编程] ef

It is a mypetshop (2016-01-10, ASP, 7325KB, 下载2次)


[界面编程] dvbbs

dvbbs动网风格,超漂亮美观。 安装说明: 1 把内有images文件夹和CSS的文件夹上传到CSS目录内; 2 把Template_x上传到Resource文件夹内; 3 进后台点风格界面——模板注册与注销,模板名称:XX。模板目录填Template_X,点注册; 4 基本设置和版面管理里里设置该风格。
Dynamic Network dvbbs style, super-pretty appearance. Installation instructions: There are one folder and images folder From CSS to CSS directory Template_x From 2 to Resource folder 3-point style interface into the background- with the cancellation of the registration template, template name: XX . Fill in the template directory Template_X, point of registration 4 basic settings and set the layout of the management style ri. (2009-06-24, ASP, 502KB, 下载36次)


[界面编程] Dvbbs2005

动网论坛 2005贺岁版(SP2) 使用说明: 1.程序内核:最新DvBBS 7.0SP2 2.默认管理员:Admin,密码:admin888 3.(特色一)简洁精美,仅用少量图片,速度快,论坛首页、版块 页面、帖子页面、分页等都作了精心美化 4.(特色二)恭贺新禧风格:主色调为红与浅灰,红色象征生命与 活力,红色又象征喜庆,浅灰色是网页的主流色调,让人感觉 舒适与大方,所以本风格不仅适合新年新春期间使用,也适合 其它任何时候使用 5.本论坛特别适合论坛新手,因为只需对版块加以设置就可正常 使用了。 6.内置114张100*100的精美论坛头像 7.如果您只需要恭贺新禧风格,请把skins目录下的17Ex_Skin03 和Dv_skin.mdb拷贝到您论坛的skins目录下,然后在后台导入 风格数据即可。
err (2009-01-10, ASP, 5375KB, 下载4次)


[界面编程] anyboardch

a fully functional website, the product has been very mature and is today's international market functional and technical performance of the most comprehensive system of the station, its customers include the Nobel Foundation, the Hewlett-Packard (HP), Sony, NORTEL, Caterpillar, the Greek Rail, the United Nations, United States Navy, the Australian government, the World Forum Network, Taiwan Chinese Academy of Sciences and other enterprises, organizations and academic institutions (2005-11-19, ASP, 680KB, 下载38次)
