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[数据库编程] xiehouyuu

本程序无任何限制,完全和安康网在线歇后语查询程序一个数据库,1w多条歇后语,适合做便民查询程序的补充。 压缩包内有logo文件的ps原图,适合您自己再做修改。
This program has no restrictions, full and well-twisters network online program queries a , 1w multiple twisters, suitable supplement convenient query program. Packed logo file package ps picture for you to do your own modifications. (2016-04-20, ASP, 362KB, 下载2次)


[数据库编程] baijiaxing

Ankang network query procedures for Mother s Day Online Family Names full version is now available for download, and queries Ankang network Surnames program has been complete, including page and other information are completely consistent. Without any restrictions other information, no background, set up to use. (2016-04-20, ASP, 789KB, 下载1次)


[数据库编程] yhtqx

1、读取本地IP数据库(动网精简IP.MDB),自动获取访问者IP。 2、通过IP获取IP所在物理地置,精确到市。 3、通过地区获取天气信息。
1, reads the local IP (Mobility streamline IP.MDB), visitors automatically obtain IP. 2, where the physical location or to obtain an IP by IP, the nearest city. 3, get weather information through the region. (2016-04-18, ASP, 642KB, 下载2次)


[数据库编程] QuestionnaireSystem

Question Survey (2016-04-18, ASP, 21365KB, 下载6次)


[数据库编程] dzww

Pretty powerful full-featured discount network (also do a large kiosk) download, ACC , pro-test, error-free! (2016-04-16, ASP, 4925KB, 下载1次)


[数据库编程] pr

软件介绍 一个不错的PR查询工具 Tags: 追米网pr查询代码
Software introduction A good PR query tool Tags: chasing rice network pr query code (2016-01-24, ASP, 17KB, 下载1次)


[数据库编程] huilv

此节是网盟调试操作系统是win7 ,以管理员权限访问数据库 www.wangmeng.cn ,否则因win7权限复杂,无法访问数据库
此节是网盟调试操作系统是win7 ,以管理员权限访问数据库 www.wangmeng.cn ,否则因win7权限复杂,无法访问数据库 (2014-06-25, ASP, 167KB, 下载1次)


[数据库编程] Online-broadband-movies-system

Online broadband movies on demand system: code in detail, correct, including database and system migration Statement (2014-04-27, ASP, 444KB, 下载170次)


[数据库编程] Student-Manage-System

利用Access进行数据库的操作,SQL Server2000作为后台数据库系统。整个系统运行在IIS平台之上。
The operation of the database using Access, SQL Server2000 as the backend database system. The whole system runs on IIS platform. (2011-05-15, ASP, 941KB, 下载6次)


[数据库编程] jinpaidianpu

金牌网店V7.0功能介绍: ●金牌网店V7.0,全新设计的风格界面,时尚,简单,大气,全面提升了网站的形象和信任度。 ●全局DIV+CSS定义,可根据不同的需求和环境变化进行最大化的修改定制。 ●添加了更多人性化的前台操作,加上简单方便可视的后台管理,让每一步操作都更加简单明了。 ●采用最新的html标准,简化了繁杂的购物流程,清除了所有冗余的代码,运行速度比同类系统快一倍以上。 ●整合了最常用的支付宝、贝宝、快钱、财付通、云网和中国网银的在线支付,方便客户的在线付款。 ●网站整体进行了优化,首页和商品生成html静态页面,提高了网页的浏览速度,更容易让搜索引擎找到你。 ●同类系统比较:代码更简洁、操作更简单、功能更全面,是目前最受淘宝、拍拍卖家欢迎的asp网店购物系统。
Gold Online Shop V7.0 Features: ● Gold Online Shop V7.0, a new style of interface design, fashion, simple, the atmosphere, enhancing the overall web image and confidence. ● Global DIV+ CSS definitions, according to different needs and maximize environmental changes modify custom. ● add a more human-oriented front operation, plus the background is simple and convenient visual management, so that each step is more straightforward. ● use the latest html standards, simplifying the shopping complex process to remove all the redundant code, faster than similar systems running more than twice as fast. ● Integration of the most commonly used Alipay, Paypal, quick money, money paid through, Silver Cloud network and online payment networks in China to facilitate online payments. ● Web site as a whole is optimized, Home and commodities generate static html pages, to improve the web browsing speed, it is easy for search engines to find you. ● Comparison of similar systems: the code is mor (2010-07-23, ASP, 1163KB, 下载20次)


[数据库编程] asp22

Is to prevent the database being downloaded the most basic and effective way to not only apply to the jurisdiction of the network server and apply to the virtual host users, recommended producers at the same time each of these three methods will be used (2009-05-17, ASP, 19KB, 下载4次)


[数据库编程] online-life

在线算命查询系统,可以按照用户输入的时间测算用户的未来的财运、婚姻、事业等。 (2008-05-15, ASP, 10618KB, 下载54次)


[数据库编程] IT风网使用的蓝芒搜索(带分类数据库)

IT network used Lawang search (with the classified database) (2005-03-05, ASP, 295KB, 下载4次)
